Chapter 32

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A/N: Hope you enjoy it guys :)

Love you

Charlie xx


A week later we were all back in London and it was the 28th of August which meant it was Liam's birthday tomorrow. I was currently staying at Aunty Lizzy's as Zayn had to work quite a lot this week. I had one week left in London then i had to head back home and get ready for Uni i had been accept to two different Uni's one in Birmingham and one in London. I was swaying towards the London one as it was closer to Zayn.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone going off

"Hello?" I said answering the phone

"Hey, Carls" it was Zayn

"Hi Zayn,how's work going?" I asked

"It's good, thanks babe, so i finish in half an hour, wanna go shopping for Liam's birthday present? then you can stay the night 'cause i got the day off tomorrow and Liam want do something for his birthday" Zayn asked me

"Sound great, can you pick me up, please?" I asked

"Of course! I'll be at yours in about 40 minutes" Zayn said

"Okay bye, Zayn" I said cheerfully

"Bye, babe, I love you' I could almost hear the smile in his voice

"I love you too" I said as I hung up

"Mum!" I called

"Yup" she said appearing in the doorway

"I'm gonna go shopping with Zayn and then spend the night at his place is that okay?" I asked

"Yeah, that's fine, love are you gonna stay the night at his place, is that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine honey, oh and don't forget to talk to him about us leaving and college" she said

"I won't, don't worry mum" i said smiling at her " right, i'm gonna and get changed before Zayn gets here" I said exiting the room.

I changed into a pair of white skinny jeans, a black top and my black converse. I was just getting my over night bag ready, when I heard the doorbell ring. "Can some get that for me please, it'll be Zayn?" I called down the stairs

"Get it yourself Carly!" My brother called back

"Ugh" i huffed as i finished packing my over night bag and ran down the stairs "you're so helpful Nate!" I called as I opened the door

"Well, he's your boyfriend you should answer the door!" He yelled back. I rolled my eyes at him and Zayn chuckled

"Hey Babe, everything okay?" He asked

"Yeah my brothers just being CHILDISH" I said shouting the last part so Nate could hear

"Whatever, Carly" Nate huffed

"Hi Zayn" Mum, Dad, Ella, Aunty Lizzy, Ali and Uncle Peter called from different directions

"Hi guys" he called back and smiled at me "ready to go babe?" He asked

"Yep!" I said enthusiastically

"Bye guys!" I called as I grabbed my bag and left.

When we arrived at the mall, I hoped out of Zayn's car and met him around the front of the car, he held out his had and i gladly took it intertwining our fingers and we headed inside

"So have you got any ideas of what to get Liam, Babe?" I asked Zayn

"Um I was thinking something superhero related but i think he pretty much has everything batman related, so i don't really know, what about you?" He asked

"I was thinking the same thing, Ella, Ali and I came shopping a couple of days ago and there was some really cool stuff in Bank that Liam might like, wanna go look?" I suggest

"Sure lets go babe" he said leading me into the shop.

We ended up buying Liam, two snap back, one with iron man on and the other with wolverine on, we also brought him a couple of new t-shirts. As we were leaving the shop a group of girl walked past, they didn't say anything so i thought they had noticed us

"No way! That was ZAYN MALIK" one of them shouted Zayn's name and it almost brought the whole mall to a stand still and the look at Zayn and I

"Okay on three we have to run okay babe?" Zayn asked I nodded and grabbed his hand "1..2..3!" We took of running with the girls following behind us.

It didn't take long for us to reach the car and we jumped in slammed the door shut and locked them just incase any of the girls decided to jump in!

"Well that was interesting" i laughed

"Yeah you can say that again" Zayn said starting the car

"Well that was interesting" I said again repeating my last statement

"Haha, very funny babe" Zayn said sarcastically chuckling slightly

"I know right!" I laughed

"Whatever, Carls, lets get back to my place and wrap this stuff up" he said pulling out of the car park.

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