Chapter 22

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A/N: Hey guys sorry i havent up dated in a while i promise I'll try and speed it up for you guys :)

Love you,

Charlie xx

P.s i now have Instagram its Charlie_1Dx


Carly's POV


After a good ten minutes of search for something to wear i gave up and went to find Zayn to ask him where we were going.

I found him in the living room playing Mario Kart with Mel, it seemed to be a pretty intense game as they both hard hard frowns on their faces

"Zayn?" I asked, he turned his head towards me and Mel's kart quickly over took his and won

"HA! I WIN!! IN YOUR FACE MALIK!!" Mel yelled

"See what you did?!" Zayn snapped at me

"Really, Zayn?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him "You're gonna snap at me like that 'cause you lost a game??"

"Well its kind of your fault I lost" He pointed out it a 'duh' tone

"Oh come on Zee you're 20 for heavens sake its just a game!" I said

"Fine, what did you want?" He asked

"Will you tell me where you're taking me?" I asked him

"Nope" he said smugly

"Well can you at least tell me how to dress then?" I asked

"Just dress casual babe, okay?" He asked

"Yep, thank you" I said as I left the room and head back to the bedroom.

"Right,half and hour to get ready,get your ass in gear girl!" I thought to myself as i entered the bedroom. I walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a white top with black butterflies all over it, a pair of black skinny jeans, my white high top all star converse, my black hoodie and my leather over the top of the hoodie. I put on clean under wear and pulled my outfit on.Once I was done i plugged in my curling tongs and turned them on, while they heated i did my make up i only applied a bit of mascara and eyeliner. I then curled my hair, and found some jewellery to go with my outfit which consisted of a pair of gold butterfly earrings, a gold necklace and a gold bracelet.

When i was done getting ready I made my way back to the living room

"I'm ready" i said as i entered the room

"Once sec let me just get my jacket" Zayn said as he got up as he head to the door. He stopped when he reached me "You look gorgeous babe" he said kissing my cheek, i blushed red. Zayn then left the room and headed to the bedroom to get his jacket.

"You look pretty Carls " Mel said as she entered the living room from the kitchen with an apple in her hands

"Thanks Mel" I said "Are you gonna be okay here by yourself?"

"Who said I'm gonna be on my own? And im 18 not 5 babe" she throw back at me

"I know you aren't, Mel, anyways who's gonna be here with you?"

"Um Niall's coming over actually" she said blushing

"Oh, why?" I asked still confused

"We're just gonna hang out thats all!" She snapped defensively

"Okay Mel, calm down I was only asking!" I laughed

"You ready to go babe?" Zayn asked from the door way

"Yep, lets go" I said heading over to him and taking his hand

"Have fun with Niall!" I called back to Mel as we go to the doorway

I heard a faint "shut up" from Mel as we left. I laughed to myself

"So why is Niall coming over to my place?" Zayn asked as he started the car and pulled away from the curb

"I'm not really sure but Mel's says they're just gonna hang out" I told him

"Well i know Niall fancies Mel" (A/N: if you didn't know already fancy mean you like someone more than a friend)

Zayn told me

"Ohmygosh really?" I asked excitedly

"Yeah he does" he said chuckling at my excitement

"Well Mel will like that" I said

"I bet she will be, now enough about Niall and Mel tonight's about us, okay?"

"Okay" i said as we pulled into a car park and Zayn parked the car. I hopped out of the car and met Zayn around the back of the car, as I took in my surroundings I realise we were at Nando's

"I should've known" I said giggling

"Well in my defence I didn't want it to be too formal and I know'll eat Nando's" he justified

"Thank you, Zee" I said kissing his cheek

"Why are you thanking me baby?" He asked confused

"Just thank you for being you, for being so thoughtful and for choosing me" I said

"It's no problem babe" he said turning to face me "and i wouldn't have anyone else, i love you Carly" he said kissing me gently

"I love you too Zayn" i said smiling at me

"Oh and before i forget will you come on a radio tour with me and the boys?" Zayn asked

I was a little shocked that he asked me to go with him but i said "Yes I'd love to come on tour with you"

"Awesome, come on let's eat babe, then we're going to the cinema" He said taking my hand and leading me into the restaurant.

A/N: hope you enjoyed thats guys the next chapter will be written from Mel and Niall'a point of view at the beginning then it'll go back to Carly's PoV


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