Chapter 7

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A/N Update time my lovelies :) hope you enjoy it. once again thanks for sticking with me, it means the world :)

Big love, Charlie xxx

When Zayn and I enter the living room Niall was moaning that he was hungry "Okay! Niall order the bloody food!" Liam snapped

"Yes!" Niall said jumping up and grabbing the phone and dialling the number and walking out of the kitchen where it was quiet.

"I'll go with him and make sure he doesn't order the whole menu" Liam said following Niall out of the room

"Harry?" I said

"Yeah?" He said turing away from Ella and Louis who he was talking to

"Do you want to do this skype thing with Mel now? and get it out of the way?" I asked

"Sure as long as you do it with me" He offered

"Okay" I agreed "Zayn, do you have some where quiet we could do this? and could we borrow your laptop please?"

"Sure, Babe, use my room" He said "My laptop's on my bed"

"Thank you" I said kissing his cheek, I felt him smile as I kissed him "Come on, Harold" I said as I jumped off the sofa. Harry followed me to Zayn's room. I dialed Mel's number and held my phone to my ear "Hello?" She said

"Skype now! I have as surpise for you" I said hanging up not giving her time to answer back.

Harry sat on the end of Zayn's bed and handed my laptop "Log in with yours" He said smiling at me

"Okay" so I did, I see Mel is online, she had changed her name it used to be 'Melody_Styles' now it was just 'Melody' she must have guessed that it was something Harry related. I pressed called and she accepted. She may have changed her name but she hadn't taken down her poster on her bedroom walls. They were cover in pictures of Harry and the boys "Wow!" Harry whispered as he eyeing the walls behind Mel

"I know" I whispered back "Hey Mel," I smiled

"Hey, Carly, Vas happenin'?" I cringed at the what she had said because it wasn't exactly a cool thing to say in front of Harry but it's how we talk to each other back home

"Not a lot, What about you?" I asked

"Skip all the chit-chat! what's you're suprise?!" She demanded

"Rude!" I said "Well, I have someone to talk to you" I smiled "I'll pass you to him now, don't go mental okay?"

"Okay!" She said as I handed the laptop to Harry

"Hi, Mel" Harry said

"Oh. My. Life. you're Harry Styles!!" She fangirled Harry laughed at her reaction.

"Mel! calm down he's just a normal lad" I reminded her, I turned to Harry and said "Good luck, Mate" and stood up off the bed

"Carls! don't leave me!" Harry said, before he could stop me I sprited out of the room and into the living room and sat next to Zayn

"CARLY! COME BACK!" Harry yelled

"NO!" I shouted back

"What's that about? did you finish with Mel?" Zayn questioned

"No we didn't finish, that's why he's shouting me" I laughed

"I'm glad you did leave him, he's big enough to look after himself" Zayn said puting an arm around my shoulder

"You haven't met Mel, she's quite intense sometime, especially when it come to you guys" I explained as I curled up next to him "Where are the others?"

"Well, Niall went to get the food and the others are sat outside" He explained

"Why aren't you out there with the others?" I asked

"I was waiting for you" he smiled

"I would of found you, your place isn't that big," I laughed "So, what do you wanna do?" i asked as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged myself closer to him not wanting to move anytime soon, the door bell rang a couple of seconds later, just my luck!

"That'll me Niall, I be back in a sec, Baby" Zayn said getting up from the sofa. exactly 5 seconds later Zayn walked in with Niall following him

"Hey, Carly" Niall said

"Hi, Nialler" I smiled "Nando's?" I guess without even looking at the take-out bags and already knowing the answer

"Duh! what else would I get, geesh! I thought you were a fan" Niall teased

"I am a fan, not was" I corrected, pretending to be offened by his comment

"Okay, sorry, calm down" Niall joked and walked into the kitchen. Zayn winked at me and followed Niall.

"I'm going to check on Haz" I called

"Okay, Babe" Zayn called back

I walked down the corridor, up the stairs to Zayn's room. When I reached the door I stopped and listened. They seemed to be getting on really well and Mel seemed to be having a normal conversation with him, I opened the door and walked in.

"Oh, Hey, Carly," Harry said as I walked over and sat on the bed by him

"Hey, Mel, enjoying yourself?" I asked

"Yeah, it's fun" she laughed "Thanks so much, Carls"

"It's okay, you should really be thanking Harry for saying yes I wouldn't want to talk to you" I teased

"Thank you, Harry" She blushed

"No problem, Babe" Harry said, Mel covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming. Harry laughed at her reaction

"Haz, Niall got Nando's and I'd come get it now if I was you" I said getting up to leave

"Okay, can you go save me some, please Carls? Niall's probably got it all now, I'll just finish up here" He explained

"Sure, talk to you soon Mel" I said turing to the computer screen

"Bye, Carls" she called after me as I left the room

A/N you guys know what to do, Comment, vote and fan. Hope you enjoyed this section, I'll probably update on wednesday as I'm off college for the day x

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