Chaper 3

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A/N Hey guys thanks for sticking with me i have my first week of college and its been pretty crazy hope you are enjoying the story. I noticed that not a lot of people have been reading this story so i was hoping that id you liked it u could try and get your mates to read it or something. If you do this comment at the bottom or message me and I'll read your stories or create an imagine about your choosen memeber of 1D. Thanks,Guys.

Big Love, Charlie xxx


Zayn's POV

I opened the door to find two of my band mates stood on the doorstep, Louis and Harry.

"Hey, guys, come in" I said stepping a-side to let them in

"So, why are we all here?" Harry asked sounding puzzeled and making himself at home on my sofa

"Well, I asked a girl over but she didn't want it to be like a date so I invited you guys and her cousin, Ella over" I explained

"Okay, Cool" Harry said obviously happy with the answer I had given him and Lou

"What's this girl's name?" Louis asked as the door bell rang again

"Carly!" I yelled to them as I answered the door, this time it was Liam and Niall I invited them in we said our hello's then Louis suddenly shouted "Wait!" we all shot him a 'what the hell' glance

"What?" I asked

"Isn't Carly the name of the girl outside the studio this morning?" Louis asked

"Which girl? there was like seven of them!" Harry pointed out

"The one that fangirled really loudly when we were inside?" Louis said looking at me questioned me as he was unsure.

"Yeah, that's her" I said confirming what Lou had said

"So, why is she coming over?" Niall asked confused 

"I think she's cute, and she bumped into me in Starbucks, so I gave her my number"

"Cool" Liam said. I smiled at him he always knew how to make you feel comfortable about something that could be partically awkward. "Let's not bring up the fangirl thing,Harry! I bet she's embarrased  enough about it already." Liam contiuned

"Why me?!" Harry demanded

"Cus you are the most likely one to bring it up" We all said in unison

"Okay,okay,okay, what's Ella like?" Harry asked his green eye had wicked gline in them

"Haz, she's 16!" I said "You're 18!"

"So? I bet I'm her favourite memeber!" He said, why does he always think he's everyone's favourite?

"Whatever, Harry!" I said walking to the door as I heard a car pull up outside, It would be Carly.


A/N I'm really sorry that this story is coming out to u in short bits but i don't have time to write pages and pages so bare with me :)

if you wanna follow me on twitter my twitter name is: @1DLouisTxxxxx

thanks guys xxx

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