Chapter 20

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A/N i'm so sorry it took me this long to update but i have like serious writers block I've had no ideas at all and it really here's the next bit...enjoy :)


Charlie xx <3




The boys, Ella and I were stood on the station waiting for Mel to get off the train. The boys had their hoods up and sunglasses on trying to not get recognised and surprisingly it was working quite well.

I was chatting to Zayn and Niall when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I truned around to find my bestfriend we both squealed in excitement and hugged each other, the boys covered their ears

"Jesus,Carly!" Niall complained

"Wait! I'd know that voice anywhere" Mel said as she pulled out of the hug, "Oh My God! You're ONE DIRECTION!" She yelled, i clamped my hand over her mouth

"Shhh!" I said. I felt her teeth nip my hand

"Mel!" I exclaimed removing my hand from over her mouth "why the hell did you bite me?!" Shouted at her i saw the boys and Ella holding back their laughs so i shot them.

"Cus i didn't want your hand over my mouth!" She exclaimed

"Right, lets go and have some fun" Louis said taking Mel'a bag for her

"Thank you louis" she said beaming at him

"No problem, love" he said as we walked out of the train station and into the car

Half an hour later we were walking around Madame Tussade. We about half way round when Harry and Ella held hand and interlaced fingers

"What is that about?!" Mel exclaimed when is saw them, so i removed my hand from Zayn's and dragged her over to the side so we could talk in private.

"Why was Harry and Mel holding hands?" Mel asked

"Well, they're going out" i said watching her wearily as i waited for her reaction

"Oh" she said her face fell from a smile into a frown "I guess if she makes harry happy then it okay with me"

"Okay, so you don't hate Ella?" I asked just to make sure

"Of course not!" Mel said

"Good" I said as we started walking back to the others "And anyway there's plenty more fish in the sea, Harry's just one of many, and you're stunning any boy would be lucky to have you" I assured her

"Thank you Carly, you're the best" she said pulling me into a hug i hugged her back

"No problem, Babe" i said pulling away from her

"God you sound more and more like Zayn every talk to you" she laughed and we reached the others

"What was that that about me?" Zayn asked wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his side

"Mel thinks I talk like you" I told him

"You do" The rest of 1D and Ella said at the same time

"Well, that's cus i'm so awesome" Zayn said

"Haha, you awesome? You wish Malik!" I joked

"You're not funny babe" he told me with a grin

"I think I am" i said

"You're not meant to find your own jokes funny, Carls" He said laughing at me

"You just laughed so i must be funny" i pointed out

"I was laughing cus you're cute" He told me, i blushed

"Oh" i said

"I love you" Zayn said kissing my cheek

"I love you too, but you missed" I told him

"What?" He asked confused

"You missed my lips when you kissed me" I told him

"Oh well let me try again" he laughed and placed him lips on mine and kissed me quickly "Come on, let's catch up with the others, i bet Louis up to no good" Zayn said taking my hand and interlacing our fingers.

When we finally caught up with the others Louis was chasing Niall our the wax work figures

"Lou!?" I shouted, he stopped running and looked at me "what the hell are you doing?"

"Niall said that carrots are disgusting" he complained

"You're so weird" I said "you're like a 5 year old in a 21 year olds body, Niall just apologise to Louis" I said

"Fine, I'm sorry Louis" Niall said

"It's okay" Louis said "Just don't talk about carrots like that again!"

"Okay" Niall nodded and walked away from him

"You three as so normal compare to them" i said to Harry, Liam and Zayn

"Oh we have our moments" Liam laughed

An hour later we were in Nando's chatting about random stuff when a teenage girl approached the table

"H-hi" she said nervously "could I have your autographs please?"

"Of course" Liam said smiling at her sweetly "what's your name, babe?" He asks taking the notebook and pen the she had handed him

"Maddie" she said grinning at him, the boys all signed the book and handed i back to her "would you like a picture as well, love" Louis offered

"Yes please" she said nodding her head rapidly. The boys all moved out from the table and stood by her putting her in the middle of them while I took the picture and handed the phone back to her

"There you go" i said smiling at her

"Thanks guys" she said hugging the boys and going back to her family who hand been watching the whole time.

"You guys are so nice to you're fans" Ella smiled

"Well, its the least we can do they give us their support and we give them a picture or an autograph in return which is no where near equivalent but it makes them happy" Liam explained

"Shall we go back to my place?" Zayn asked

"Sure" everyone chorused

A/N: sorry its so short. I'll try and update soon xx

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