Chapter 18

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A/N:Hey guys as i promised i'm updating and its Friday. OMG Zayn is 20 tomorrow can u believe it?? Anyway i hope u enjoy!

(Recap: the boys are just about to go on stage and Carly and the other girls are gonna watch from the front row)

The girls and I found our seats we were right in the middle on the front row the order went me,Eleanor, Dani then Ella. As soon as we got there the boys were on the stage and singing Stand Up. All 4 of us belted out the lyrics.

About half way through the concert the boys were talking to the fans, us girls decide it would be funny to shout out something a crazed fan would

Eleanor when first "Louis I'D LIKE TO TAKE YOU HOME!" Louis winked at her from the stage and grinned,then it was Dani's Turn "LIAM I WANT YOU TO ROCK ME!" Liam laughed and blow Dani a kiss earning a scream from the fans, Ella went next "HARRY AND NIALL ARE PERFECTION!" Harry ,who was talking to the fans, had a massive grin on his face and Niall blushed and smiled at her. Finally it was my turn I'd been trying to think of something really clever to shout out but i could so i went with "I LOVE YOU ZAYN!!" Zayn Heard and made his way over to us from the side of the stage so that he could talk to me without the whole arena hearing "Love you too, Babe" He laughed, and then the backing track to What Makes You Beautiful can on and Zayn moved away from us. After he did i felt someone tap me on the shoulder so i turned to my left to see a girl a couple of years younger than me, she had an disgusted look on her face "Why would Zayn love you?" She spat

"I don't know, I've been trying to figure that out for a week" I told her truthfully

"Well, Your not pretty, and your kinda fat so I don't know either!" She snapped

"Listen, I'm really so Zayn picked me but you have no right to talk to me like that!" I shouted at her as i looked at Zayn on the stage he had noticed something was happening between this girl and I and shot me a look that asked 'are you okay?' I nodded and truned back to the girl.

"If you and Zayn get together I'll hate you forever!" The girl said (A/N: Zayn and Carly haven't gone public yet)

"If you were a true Directioner you'd want Zayn to be happy no matter how much you hate his girlfriend" I informed here trying to stay calm "Do you hate Eleanor and Danielle?" I asked her

"No, but that's completely different" She said smiling at Dani and El who were watching me handle the situation and shot the girl an evil look

"Um I'm sorry, love, but its not at all different" Eleanor said backing me up

"If you really wanted to impress the boys you respect not only them but their girlfriends and their decisions" I explained

"What the hell would you know?" She said "You're not a Directioner you're just some slut thats trying to get Zayn!" She told me.

I turned to Eleanor and said "do you have Paul's number?"

"Yeah, Give him a call, Babe, He'll come and help" Eleanor said handing me her phone

"Thanks El" I said as i called Paul

"Hi Paul I need your help" I told him as soon as he answered

"I'll be there in two, Carly" He said hanging up

"Ahh I see too coward to fight your own battles" the girl said as i turned back to her, I saw Paul approaching us from behind her.

"Not really, Love, I just have away to get you to let me alone so I will, enjoy the rest of the concert" I said smugly as Paul tapped her on the shoulder,

"Come with me please, Miss" Paul said, the girl gather her stuff, shot me an evil glare and followed Paul reluctantly. I turned my attention back to the stage and Eleanor pulled me into a hug "Well done, Carls" she said a released me.

"Thanks El" I grinned at her.

After an amazing 2 hours concert by the boys us girls went to meet them as they came off the stage

"You were awesome!" Ella said

"Cheers,Babe!" Harry said grinning at her and she blushed.

"Hey, Babe" Zayn said wrapping his arms around me

"Ew! You're all sweaty!" I squealed pushing him away.

"You're such a girl" he said moving his arms from around my waist

"Well, suprisingly,Love, I am a girl" I laughed "Go and get changed then I'll let you hug me"

"Fine! You're so mean to me" he pouted the turned and walked to the dressing room. I laughed at his childishness.

An hour later Zayn, Niall,Harry, Ella and I were sat in the car on the way home.

"Do you know that you take longer than any boy I know to get ready" I told Zayn

"No I didn't but thanks for the info" Zayn laughed

"Not funny, Malik!" I snapped

"Why are you so moody Miss Baker?" He asked pulling me from my seat in the car onto to his lap

" 'Cause I'm tired" I said resting my head on his shoulder

"Do you always get like this when your tired?" He asked I opened my mouth to speak but Ella spoke for me.

"Nope she'a usually like this all the time just not around you" she said "She's must like you more that me"

"No! It's just you annoy me El, and Zayn calms me down" I said, Zayn kissed my temple

"How do I?!" She demanded

"El, Babe, leave her alone" Harry said putting his arm around her shoulder

"She obviously get annoyed easily when she's tired"

"Thanks, Harold" I said smiling at him. I twisted myself around on Zayn's lap so that I was facing him, Niall and Ella. Zayn rested his chin on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me,

"Ells? Why are u blushing?" I asked

"I'm not!" She protested

"Yeah you are Babes" Zayn said

"Might it have something to with the arm that's around your shoulder?" I asked

"No" she answered a bit too quick and blushing even more.

"Come on, Ella, just admit you like Harry" Niall said

"Fine!" She said shifting herself out of Harry's reach, "I do like you Harry, lot" she admitted

"I like you a lot too babe" he said pulling her closer and kissing her on the lips

"So does this mean we're together now?" Ella asked

"Yep!" Harry grinned

A/N: I finally decided on Harry and Ella getting together...i hope u enjoyed

Love Charlie x

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