Chapter 9

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A/N has anyone listened to Take Me Home yet?? OMG!! if not you really need to its amazayn :) anyways here's then next update my lovelies, hope you enjoy :) xx

I woke with a start the next morning. I looked and I couldn't place where I was. Then I remember I'd got together with Zayn Malik last night. I must be in his room, however, Zayn himself wasn't in the room. So I went looking for him and found him curled up on the sofa. I looked at the clock it was 7am and I didnt know if he had any band stuff planned. So I went over to him and poked his cheek to try and wake him but that didn't work, so I shout "Zayn!"at the top of my lungs. It worked as he fell of the sofa and landed on the the floor at my feet "Ouch!" he muttered "Oh, Hey, Carls, what's up babe?" he said look up at me from his position on the floor .

"Nothing really, just that it 7 in the morning, I thought you should get up" I said grinning at him and helping him up from the floor.

While we sat it the kitchen eating breakfast, Zayn ran through what the band had to do to day,which was recording their new album, He asked me if i wanted to go with him. I said yes, me being a directioner it was my idea of heaven hearing a bit of their new single before there rest of the world. He agreed to come home with me so I could change into clean clothes.

30 minutes later we arrived at Auntie Lizzy's

"Do you wanna come in?" I asked Zayn "It doesn't look like anyone's in"

"Yeah, sure, why not?" Zayn said jumping out of the car and walking around the front of the car to meet me. I lead him up the path to the front door and tried the handle to see if anyone was in. It was open so i walked in with Zayn following me into the hall way.

"Hello!" I called "I'm back!"

"Hey, Carls" my brother said coming into the hall to meet me.

"Hi, Nate, this is Zayn" I said

"Hey...wait aren't you that guy from One Direction?" Nate asked Zayn

"Yeah I am" Zayn replied smiling at Nate

"I'll be down in a bit, don't embarrassed me!" I said shooting my brother a death stare as I climbed the stairs

"Like I would do that!" Nate called after me faking being offend

"Whatever!" I yelled back as I closed the door to Ella's room. I put on a pair of denim shorts, a white polo shirt, my navey cardigan and my white converse. I quickly put my still curly hair into a high pony tail and walked downstairs where Zayn and Nathan were waiting for me.

"I'm ready Zayn" I announced

"Okay then, Carls,Let's go" Zayn said coming to stand next to me, Nate stood opposite us "Nice to meet you, Nate"

"You too" Nate said shaking Zayn's hand

"Bye, Nate" I said hugging him before leading Zayn out of the house and down the drive way

When we where just over half way to the studio I could tell something was up with Zayn, even though he was holding my hand as he drove. He was quieter than he had been on the way to Auntie Lizzy's. I bet my stupid brother had said something.

"Zayn? What's up?" I asked

"Nothing, Baby, don't worry" Zayn protested

"Come on, I know somethings up, so just tell me" I said kissing his cheek

"It's just something that your brother said that's all" Zayn finally admitted as we pulled in to the studio car park

"Oh, my, God! what did he say?" I asked, I knew it would be.

"He said if I ever break your heart or heart you in anyway he'd tell the press about it" Zayn explained and truned his head from me

"Zayn, listen to me" I said wanting him to face me but instead he got out of the car. "He must be really upset but this" I thought to myself and I for one wasn't upset i was pissed that my brother would do something like that. I threw my door open, got out, slammed it shut behind me and sprinted after my moody boyfriend, who had pressed the lock button on his keys for the car. "Zayn!" I called when I was about two feet away from him, but he walked through the door to the studio lobby. I had no idea why he was acting like this, it wasn't even that much of a deal to be honest. I stepped into the lobby where Zayn and the rest of One Direction where stood

"Zayn Malik! will you please listen to me? and stop being and arse about thing!" I demanded as the whole of 1D turned to face me everyone , but Zayn, raised their eyebrows

"What?" Zayn snapped

"My brother is an idiot! and he didn't mean it, anyways I wouldn't let him do that to you! he was only looking out for me like you would for you little sisters!" I said a tear rolled down my face, I wiped it away quickly not knowing why I was crying

A/N sorry guys for leaving it here but It'll keep you wanting more :p don't forget to fan, comment and vote

I Love you guys xxx

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