Chapter 12

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Hey Guys, my update day will be wedensday and friday, however this friday i have a trip to birmingham then im going to see breaking dawn part 2 with my best friend so i wont have time im sorry,

Love you, Charlie xx

When I heard the credit music i removed my head from Zayns shoulder and turned so I was faceing my mum who was sat on the sofa opposit me, Zayn didn't move his hands from around my waist so i placed mine on top of his. I had started talking to Mum about her day, then Zayn's phone vibrated in his pocket which just so happened to be under my leg "AHHH!" i screamed as I moved forward on his lap, but not completely off, so he could get his phone out. He pressed the answer button and lifted it to his ear.

"Hello?" He said " Hold on one second, Haz"

"Hi, Harry!" I called, Zayn Laughed

"Babe, Could you please get up, so I can go out and talk to harry?"

"Fine," I huffed unwilling to move, but i slid of his lap and sat on the floor next to him, he kissed my cheek, got up, lifed the phone back to his ear and left the room.

"So, Sweetie," Mum said "I like Zayn, you got a good one there kid."

"I know I have" I smiled, turning my head to see Zayn in the hallway leaning against the wall opposite me, so he saw me look and winked at me, i smiled back at him, before turning back to face my mother "I really like him, Mum" I informed her

"Aww, my little girl is all loved up" My mum cooed pulling me into up and into a hug.

5 minutes later Zayn came back into the living room "Is everything okay,Babe?" I asked him as sat down next to me on the sofa.

"Yeah, Haz was just checking up on me" He said pulling me closer

"Aww, that's cute" I said. Zayn looked at his watch

"God, did you know it was ten o'clock already?" He exclaimed "I better go, Babes"

"Ohh!" I moaned like a 2 year old

"I Sorry, Carls," Zayn chuckeled pulling me off the couch and into his arms

"It's fine, I'll walk you to your car" I said, Zayn nodded

"Bye, guys, it was lovely meeting you and thank you for dinner, Lizzy and Becca" Zayn said to my family as he grabbed his jacket from the arm of the sofa

"Its a pleasure, Zayn" My mum said smiling at him, Zayn smiled back, interlaced our fingers, and lead me to his car out front

"So what are you up to tomorrow, Zayn?" I asked as we reached his car

"I we have a Radio 1 interview at like 8am, then we're free, do you wanna hang out, Babe?" He asked

"Yeah. but can Ella and I come to the radio interview? we wanna see the boys.And won't that be Nick Grimshaw's show?" I asked

"That's Fine, Babe, of course you can come, and yeah it will be Nick's show, why?" He asked

"I love Nick Grimshaw he's amazing!" I said

"Not as amazing as me though, right?" Zayn asked

"No, course not, Zayn," I said "Whatever, stops the tears"

"Hey!" Zayn protested, but laughed "Okay,Babe i really do have to go now, the boys and I will be here to pick you up at 7am, be ready when we get here" He explained wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his forehead against mine "See you in the morning, Baby Girl" He said as he pressed his lips to mine, when he pulled away he me into a hug "I love you, Babe" He said

"I love you,too" I whispered into his chest where my head was resting. I pulled away "Go, Zayn," I said "I'll see you in the morning" As I said this I let out a massive yawn, Zayn chuckled and kissed my head one last time and climbed in to his Jeep "Get some sleep, beautiful," he shut the door and started the engiene. I waved to him, he winked back and pulled away from the curb. I watched him disappear with the stupidest grin on my face.

When I got back in to the house I was still grinning. I shut the front door behind me and turned around to see Ali waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs "Is iccel Carly in love?" she said in a baby voice

"Yes, I think I am" I replied "Anyway, I'm going to bed" I explained

"I think Els is already asleep" Ali said

"Okay, I be quiet, by the way thank you for earlier, you know with Nate?" I said as I started to climb the stairs

"My pleasure, Carls, goodnight"

"Night, Ali" i said going up stairs. when my phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out,I had a new message, so i clicked read:

From: Zayn xx<3

Night, Baby Girl, I'm thinking of you, I love you Carls xx

It made my heart race as I read it, i quickly tapped in a reply as I entered Ella's bedroom making sure to be quiet as she was, as Ali said, fast a sleep

To : Zayn xx <3

Night, I'm thinking of you too, and I love you too, Zayn x <3

I changed into my pyjama's and climb into bed. I was out like a light

I was woken by someone saying my name by my ear. I opened my eyes to see who it was and I shot up when I saw Zayn knelt next to my bed and the rest of One Direction in the door way

"Shit! I was ment to be up!" I exclaimed "Let me get Ella up then I'll throw on some clothes" I said jumping out of bed

"Carly, calm down, Babe, we came early cus, I knew you wouldn't be up" Zayn said kissing my cheek. I was calm. I walked over to Ella's bed and pulled the quilt off her, she groaned and rolled over,I heard the boys chuckle behind me, she was still flat out. I went to poke her, but stop when suddenly she started to talk in her sleep, "Niall?Harry?Where are you?" I looked over to Harry and Niall, who's eyes were wide the other boys where trying to to laugh

"ELLA!" I yelled

"WHAT!!" She shouted, shooting up and clasping her heart. I nodded my head in the direction of the 5 boys standing in the doorway

"Oh, Hi" she rushed out

"Girls we're gonna be late! hurry up!"

"Go out then, and we'll get dressed" I said

"Where are we going?" Ella asked as the boys went out of the room

"To Radio 1 first, then i dont know" I explain pulling the clothes I was going to wear that day and walked to the bathroom and locked the door.

Once I was dressed in a pair of purple skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, my black leather jacket and my black high top converse, my hair was curly from washing my hair in the shower so I decided to keep it like that.I knocked on Ella's door and shouted "hurry up!" and head downstairs to where my mum was chatting to the boys.

"Hi, Mum!" I said heading for the space next to Zayn

"Hey, sweetie" mum said

"You look good, Babe" Zayn whispered in my ear, I blushed as Ella came in

"I'm ready" she was wearing a floral skirt with leggings, a white tank top and a black cardy. Her hair was straight and she had two bits pinned back. Her shoes were brown ankle boots.

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