Chapter 30

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A/N: So a lots happened since i last updated

I can't believe Cory Monteith died its so sad! I loved glee and he was one of the best actors in the show!

Best Song ever is amazing! Cant wait for the video tomorrow its gonna be amazing! And Zayn makes a damn good girl by the way :)

So anyway i hope you enjoy this part of Oh My Malik

Please fan and vote it'd mean a lot

Love Ya

Charlie xxx


Its now one week into the radio tour. It's been so amazing to be part of the touring experience! But i've been feeling ill for about 3 days now, i didn't want to tell anyone 'cause i didn't want them to worry about me as they had enough going it radio interviews and stuff.

Zayn and the boys are currently at out doing a couple of interviews and I was curled up on the sofa watching some crappy daytime tv, i was dressing in a pair of grey sweats with on of Zayn's hoodies over my white vest top. I'd been drifting in and out of sleep all day, finally i let my body do what it wanted and sleep!

"Carly?" I heard someone speak my name softly I groaned and rolled over. I rolled a little to far in the wrong direction and ended up on the floor

"Ouch" i mumbled as i opened my eyes to see who had woke me up. It was Zayn. He was currently laughing at the fact i had fallen of the sofa

"Hey, Babe" He said helping me up

"H-" I was about to reply but i was cut off with a wave of sickness. I clasped my hand over my mouth and sprinted to the bathroom and proceeded to be sick. I was aware that Zayn had following me. He knelt down next to me, pulled my hair back from my face a rubbed my back soothingly.

Once I was done I flush the loo (A/N: for those of you who dont no what a 'loo' is its ab english word for toilet), shut the lid down on the seat and sat down on it.

"I'll get you some water, Carls" Zayn said walking back into the main part of our suite. He came back within 2 minutes with a small glass of water for me "Here you go baby" he said handing me the cup and siting on the side of the bath. I sipped the water slowly "Thank you,Zayn" I said flashing him a weak smile "I'm sorry you had to see me throw up" I said knowing how vile sick is

"It's no problem, Carls" He said "I'm your boyfriend I'm here to help you with stuff like that" He reassured me

"I'm glad I have you" I said smiling at him, i reached for my wash bag and pulled out the pack of chewing gum that i keep in there incase of times like this and started chewing on it

"I'm glad i have you too" he said standing up and holding his hand out to me. I happily took it and stood up slowly so i didn't get light headed. He pulled me into a hug

"Why didn't you tell me you were feeling ill babe? I would have taken care of you" He questioned

"I didn't want you to worry about me, Z" I said "These couple of weeks are for you and the boys not me"

"That's stupid, Carly, you should of said something" He protested

"Sorry" I said quietly snuggling into his chest

"It's fine, babe, just tell me next time, okay?" He asked softly. I nodded my head as an answer "The boys are meant to be coming over to our suite but I can text them to tell them not to" he said pulling back so he could see my face

"Nah,it's fine I could do with some cheering uo" I said smiling a little

"Okay, babe" he said returning the smile "Come lets go watch some tv"

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