Chapter 11

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A/N: Here you go my lovelies as I promised i'm updating today hope you enjoy it. I had fun writing this bit, i made myself laugh a little :)

Thank you guys xx

When we pulled up to my house, Zayn got out and opened my door for me

"Thank you kindly" I said as I hoped out of his car

"Its my pleasure" Zayn chuckled and took my hand. As we got to the door Zayn pulled me into a hug then lifted my chin up and kissed me. About ten seconds into the kiss I heard someone clear their throat. Zayn and I shot apart and turned of heads to the front door where my, of all people, stood with his arms folded across his chest

"Hi, Dad" I said blushing

"Hello, and who are you?" My Dad demmanded from Zayn

"I'm Zayn Malik, Sir" Zayn said nervously

"And why are you kissing my daughter?" as he said this, it started to rain, typical English weather.

"Look, Dad, can we do this inside?" I asked

"Yes, come in" he said leading us into the house. I took Zayn's hand and squeezed as I could tell he was nervous,

"Sit" My Dad said so we did "I'll repeat the question, why were you kissing my daughter?"

"I got this Zayn, don't worry" I said to my boyfriend "He was kissing me because he's my boyfriend... I've had boyfriend before, stop worrying, Dad! I'm 18 years old I can look after myself" I explained, Dad raised his eyebrows at my out burst " Don't you recoginze him?" I asked

"kind of is he on TV or something?" My dad asked unsure of his answer

"Yeah, Zayn's on TV sometimes, but think of my bedroom and Ella's room, who's pictures are on the wall?" I said giving him a massive hint

"Oh, you're from that band, One Direction, aren't you?" My dad asked

"Yes , I am" Zayn reassured him

"when did you two get together?" My dad aksed

"Last night" I explained

"That's fine by me just don't break her heart, son" My Dad warned

"I can promise you that I won't, Sir" Zayn said

"Oh please called me Richard" my dad objected smiling at Zayn

"Okay, Richard, thank you" Zayn said

" Come on, I'll introduce you to the rest of the family" I said to Zayn

"Okay" Zayn agreed getting up as I did. I took his hand and interlaced my fingers with his.

The first stop was the kitchen where my Mum and Auntie Lizzy where"Hey Mum and Auntie Lizzy" I said to get there attention

"Hi, sweetie" My mum said "and you must be Zayn" she contiuned holding her hand out

"That's me" Zayn smiled shanking my mother's hand "Nice to meet you Mrs. Baker"

"You too, darling," My Mum smiled "And please called me Becca"

"Okay, will do" Zayn said

"Zayn, this is my Auntie Lizzy," I said as she moved from the the stove where she was cooking that smelled like curry

"Hi , Auntie Lizzy" Zayn laughed copying me

Auntie Lizzy laughed "Hi, Zayn, and it just Lizzy," She said making sure he really knew to call her Lizzy

"I know, i was just trying to annoy, Carly" He said smiling at her. As soon as Zayn finished we heard three pair of footsteps coming down the stairs. Ella was the first in, she ran up to Zayn and hugged him "Hi!" she said

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