Chapter 21

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A/N: sorry for the extremely late update people i've been so busy with college and stuff.. So here the next update :) xxx


Carly's POV

The next morning i was woken by Zayn talking. I opened my eyes to find him on the phone.

"Okay well i'll see you at 11 then" He said and then hung up. He then turned around to face me

"Hey, Beautiful" He said grinning and me

"Hi" i said smiling back at him "who was on the phone?" I ask as he sat next to me on the bed and pulled me on to his lap

"That was simon, he wants us to go public because some magazine has got hold of pictures of us yesterday" Zayn explained

"Okay let's go public then" I said smiling at him

"Are you sure, Babe?" Zayn asked

"Of course I'm sure, Zaynie"I reassured him

"Enough with the Zaynie thing, already" he said

"I like winding you up, its funny" I told him while flashing him a cheeky grin

"That's nice baby" he said laughing at me "Now get ready Carly, we have to meet Simon in an hour so we can decide how to go public" he said as i climb off his lap. He stood up an headed out of the bedroom

An hour and a half later Zayn and I were sat in Simon'a office.

"So its settled then you to will do a twit cam and announce your relationship" Simon clarified

"Sure that's fine, Si" Zayn said smiling at him

"It was lovely to meet you, Carly" Simon smiled at me

"You too, Simon" I said shaking his hand as I rose from my seat at the same time as Zayn.

"Bye Si" Zayn said as we left the room

"So what do you think of Simon then?" Zayn asked as he interlaced our fingers and we left the building

"He's great, he'a actually not as scary as he seems on tv" I laughed as Zayn open the passenger door of his ranger rover for me "Thanks Zayn" I said kissing his cheek as i climbed in. He walked around to the drivers side

"So what are we doing now?" I asked

"Well, how about we go back to my place and get the twit cam out of the way? Then later i'm taking you on a date, i have something i want to ask you" he said starting the car up and pulling out of the car park

I wonder what he wants to ask me? I hope its nothing to major.

After stopping at Auntie Lizzy to collect enough clothes for a week we head back to Zayn's house to do the twit cam

"Are you sure you're ready for this babe?" Zayn asked me as he set up the computer

"Yes Zayn for the 100th time i'm totally ready to go public" I said kissing his cheek to reassure him

"Okay, here we go" he said logging on to twit cam and pressing broadcast

"Hey guys" he said smiling down the camera, the message box went crazy with things like: (A/N: im just making up these twitter names sorry if their yours or anyone's you know no hate intended)

@ZaynsAmazayn: I love you Zayn

@Directioner_Louisx: who's the girl with you?

Zayn picked out this question "Actually, Directioner_Louisx that the reason i'm doing this twit cam" He explained "This is Carly" he said introducing me to the fans,

"Hi!" I said waving at the camera

"And Some of you may have seen the pictures in Top of the Pops magazine of Carly and I at Madame Tussades with the other boys yesterday, and to clear up all the rumours, Carly and I are dating" the message box went mental it was a mix between support and hate things like:

@Larryshipper5: You're so pretty Carly #Zarly

@Zaynismine1D: If my twitter name didn't say it all Zayn is mine back of you slut!

"Okay, look people" I said not wanting to take anymore hate "I'm truly sorry that Zayn picked me not you, but Zayn and I are really happy together so stop the hate, its not gonna make Zayn or the boys love you anymore" I said standing up for myself

"Right now that's cleared up, Carly and I have to go, I love you" Zayn said turning the twit cam off "Well done, Baby" he said kissing my temple and wrapping his arms around me "You sure know how to stick up for yourself"

"Yeah its something you learn when you were bullied for the whole of high school" I told him

"I'm so sorry to hear you were bullied babe" Zayn said pulling me closer to him

"Its fine i'm over it now" i told him

"Okay well, get ready Carls were leaving in an hour for our date" he said getting up from the bed and heading to the door "I love you Carly" he said and the left

"Love you too, Zayn" I called after him

A/N: hope you enjoyed this bit guys i'll try and update soon :) xx

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