Chapter 23

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  • Dedicated to Niall Horan


Mel's POV


When Niall text me asking if i wanted to hang out with him tonight I gotta admit that i was pretty shocked but who was i to turn down turn down Niall James Horan? So i agreed.

Niall and I decide that he'd come round and we'd watch a movie and get a takeout, i didn't really have much to prepare, apart from to change into another outfit.

I went into the guest bedroom, that Zayn was kindly letting me stay in for the week, and walked over to my suit case that I hadn't unpacked yet. I picked out me pre ripped light denim jeans, my black Rolling Stones t-shirt and a pair of black dolly shoes. I decided that as Niall was only coming over to watch a movie I didn't want to appear that i had made too much of an effort.

I quickly jumped in the shower. Once I was done i dried my body and my hair. I selected a clean set of underwear, pulled on my outfit and put my hair into a side braid. Just as i finished the door bell rang.


Niall's POV


Ever since i laid eyes on Mel i've thought she was stunning, so when i found out Carly and Zayn where going on a date i took this as my opportunity to get to know her better. So I texted her asking if she would like to hang out and to my amazement she said yes!

It got to 7 o'clock and I quickly throw on a fresh t-shirt and headed over to Zayn's place.


Mel's POV


I opened the door to find Niall on the doorstep

"Hey Mel!" He said beaming at me

"Hey Nialler" i said as Niall pulled me into an unexpected hug and I willingly hugged back

"Come in" i said pulling away from him and leading him through to the living room.

"So why don't you pick the movie and I'll go and find Zayn's takeout menus " I suggest to Niall

"Sound good" he said making his way over to the shelves where the DVDs were kept

I headed into the kitchen and started searching draws and I found 3 different takeout menus.

I walked back into the living room and saw Niall taking an DVD case out from the shelf

"What are we watching?" I asked and i plopped down on to the sofa

"Its a thriller called 'house at the end of the street" (a/n i have no idea if thats a real film or not) Niall informed me as he sat next to me on the sofa

"Oh god! I hate thrillers" I complained

"Why do you hate them?" Niall asked

"Um, they scare the crap out of me!" I said as i blushed with slight embarrassment

"Aww, don't worry babe, I'll protect you" he laughed putting his arm around me

"Thanks" i said blushing more "now what type of takeout do you want?" I asked picking up the menus from the coffee table "you have a choice of 3, Chinese, Pizza or Indian" i said as i handed them to him

"I really don't care I'll eat anything" Niall said "I rather not have Indian though"

"So you won't eat anything then will you" i laughed

"I guess not" he said grinning at me "does Pizza sound good to you?" He ask

"Pizza sound perfect, Ni" i said " I don't care what topping are on it" i told him

"Okay I'll order it now" Niall said pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialling the number

"Hi could i have 1 meat feast pizza, 1 cheese pizza, 1 vegetarian pizza and 2 boxes of chips, please?.....(a/n: I just gonna make up an address) it's Flat 15, the mall complex, banner road, Greenwich....okay see you in 10 minuets...thanks bye" he said and hung up the phone

"Why on earth do we need 3 pizza?" I asked

"Well if you were a Directioner then you would know i eat a lot" Niall said smirking at me because he new this would irritate me

"Excuse me Mr.Horan! I'll have you know i'm like the biggest Directioner in the whole of my school!" I said defensively

"Okay babe! Calm down!" He said laughing at my reaction

"Its not funny Niall" i said shifting away further from him on the sofa

"I'm sorry" he said leaning over and kissing my cheek

"You will be" i said poking my tongue out him, he chuckled and pulled be closer to him

"You're really cute when you get irritated" he said smiling at me

"Um thanks" i said smiling at him

We spent the next 5 minutes talking about random stuff and then the door bell rang

"I'll get it" Niall said

"Okay" i said smiling at him. While he answered the door i when to then kitchen, got 2 plates, 2 glasses and a bottle of coke and returned to the living room just at the same time as Niall. We set everything down on the sofa coffee table, Niall went over to put the DVD in, grabbed the remote and came back to the sofa and sat next to me. He pressed play on the movie and we started eating.

1 and a half later the movie was finished and we had eaten all the food, i'd spent most of the movie cuddled up to Niall and he spent most of it laughing at me.

"Right, could we please watch a nice film now?" I said not moving from him arms

"Yeah, what to wanna watch love?" Niall asked

"Pitch Perfect!!" I said excitedly

"Okay clam down babe" Niall laughed, he slipped his arms from and around and got up and sorted the movie out. then he came and sat next me again and put his arms back around me.

"Mel?" Niall asked

"Yeah?" I said looking up at him from where my head rest on his chest

"Um, I was, um wondering if you'd like to go out with me?" He asked nervously

"Aww Nialler i'd love to go out with you" i said grinning at him

"Really!!?" He asked excitedly

"Yeah, it'd be an honour to be your girlfriend" i said

"Awesome" he said leaning his head down and kissing me, the kiss was amazing! I can't believe Niall asked me out!

Towards the end of the movie my eyelids grow heave and i snuggled further into Niall

"You tired babe?"Niall asked I nodded letting out a yawn and closing my eyes "go to sleep the princess" he said kissing the top of my head,

Oh my gosh i am the luckiest girl in the world i thought as i drifted off to sleep..,

A/N: hey guys i hope you enjoyed this part. This part of the story is deicated to Nialler <3 cus i dont think he get recognised enough and he's amazing i don't know what i do without him or the other member of 1D

love you

Charlie xx

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