Chapter 5

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"Okay, so Liam, truth or dare??" Niall fire at Liam

"Truth?" Liam said phrasing it like a question

"What's the most embarrasing thing to happen to you?" Nialler asked "On stage!" he added

"Probably when I split my trouses in front of all those people during one of our first gigs," Liam explained we all laughed at his answer

"My go," Liam stated "Harry, truth or date, mate?"

"Dare! I'm not a wimp like you" Harry said winking at Liam

"I dare you to lick the bar of soap from Zayn's bathroom" Liam said, what a rubbish dare i thought to myself

"Not a problem" Harry said as he walked out of the living room and down to the bathroom, a few minutes later he returned with the bar of soap in his hand and ran his tounge down it "See?" Harry said leaving the room to put it back. when he reappeared he said "Right, Ella truth or dare, Babe?" Ella flushed red at Harry calling her babe

"Truth" She said

"Who your favourite memeber of the band?" Harry asked

"Well it's a long story..." Ella said

"We have time" Zayn said smiling at her

"Okay, well first it was Louis, then he got with Eleanor and they made such a cute couple that I changed to Harry" She smile at Louis who winked back at her "So now it's Harry or Nialler depending on which mood I'm in" she concluded "Well it couldn't be Zayn because he's Carly's favourite and she'd kill me if I did like him" she said causing everyone to laugh my face flushed bright red

"Not true! well apart from the Zayn bit" I protested. Zayn put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead which shocked me a little but I didn't pull away

"Sorry Carls, had to be said" Ella said throwing my comment earlier back at me "Anyways, Zayn, truth or dare?" she asked, I could almost see the coggs ticking in her little head, I knew exactly what she planning for the dare, she was gonna make him kiss me

"Dare" Zayn said, oh god really? in front of everyone!

"Kiss Carly for at least 2o seconds" Ella dared him, see told you I knew the dare!!!

"Okay" He said, he removed his arm from around my shoulder, turned his whole body towards me, he cupped my face and leaned in and kissed me softly. my stomach fluttered as we kissed fireworks exploded all around us (Obviously not real ones) His tounge had just traced my bottom lip when I heard someone clear their throat. Zayn and I pulled away from each other. Now I was completely in love with Zayn Malik!

"That was way longer than 20 seconds!" Harry said

"Really? it felt really quick" Zayn said

"Zayn, Buddy, you guys where kissing for a minute and a half" Niall said, Ella winked at me from across the circle, My cheeks went from slightly pink to bight red

"Um , you guys keep playing I'll be back in a couple of minutes" I said dropping Zayn's hand and walking out of the room. I felt everyones eyes' on me as I left. My lungs felt like they couldn't get enough oxgyen. If i didn't get some fresh air I thought I might faint. I was starting to have a painc attack beacuse I kissed Zayn....This was stupid!!!


Hey guys sorry it so short, promise I will try and update soon, then you can fine out what Carly's problem really is.

Thanks again for sticking with me.

Big Love Charlie xx

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