Chapter 8

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A/N: here you go my lovelies :) hope you enjoy xxx

When I got to the kitchen Liam was putting the food on to the plate equally while Niall stood next to him moaning that there wasn't enough on his plate and he'd still be hungry.

"Hey, Li, Harry's still talking to Mel, so could you keep his warm please?" I asked

"Not a problem, Carly, could you do me a favour please, Love?" Liam said

"Yeah, what is it?" I said

"Take him with you," He said nodding his head to Niall. I laughed

"Come, on then Nialler," I said walking past him and leading him out of the kitchen into the Living room.

Entering the living i walked over to the sofa that Zayn and Ella where sat on and placed myself in the middle of them.

"So, Ells, having fun?" I asked

"Yeah its amazing I get to spend the whole evening with One Direction!" She said excitiedly "You're having a good time as well, aren't you? You and Zayn are so cute together!" she winked

"Shut up,Ells" I moaned, Zayn just laughed. My phone "I really need to change my ringtone" I said as i answered it. The boys chuckled

"Hello?" I said

"Hi, Carls, can u tell Ella I want here home now!" It was Auntie Lizzy

"Hi, Auntie Lizzy, nice to speak to you too" I said scarcasitly. Ella shot me a glance

"Sorry, sweetie, could you tell her please?" Auntie Lizzy asked

"Why? what's the problem?" I asked worried

"Nothing major hun, just that its past her curfew" She explained

"Okay, I'll tell her now" I held the phone to my shoulder so I could talk to Ella.

"You're mum wants you home, Ells" I said

"Oh, why?" Ella asked her smile dissappearing

"Its nearly 10 o'clock," I said, she gave me a confussed look "its past your curfew"

"Oh are you coming?" Ella asked

"I don't know, I'll ask" I lifted the phone back to my ear "Does my mum want me home as well?" I asked Auntie Lizzy

"No along as you have you phone with you and its okay with whoever you're with that you stay with them" she explained

"Okay, cool, bye Auntie Lizzy" I said

"See you later, Sweetie" she hung up

"No I don't have to go, as long as it okay with Zayn that I stay" I explained

"Its fine if you stay, Babe" Zayn said

"Okay bye, guys" Ella said getting up and leaving. Harry entered the room just after and sat next to Louis. We heard the front door close and Liam brought in the food

After we had eaten we decide to watch a film. Niall choose The Women in Black. I'd never seen it but it was meant to be quite scary, but I liked horror films plus I had Zayn and I trusted him not to scare me during the film.

The film got to a really creepy bit where the main character was walking down the corridor to a room where the rocking chair was moving, When all of a sudden someone chucked a cushion at me making me scream, but Harry was wetting himself laughing at me

"Not funny, you Jerk!" I shouted throwing the cushion back at him, it hit him straight in the face "I hate you, Harry Styles" I said

"No you don't," Harry said winking at me

"Yeah, I do, now leave me alone" I said, God he's annoying

""Shut up you two!" Louis said . I did as he said and shut up, surpirsingly Harry did as well. I curled into Zayn's chest but he pulled me on his lap and into his chest. I let out a massive yawn

"You tired, babe?" He asked so only i could hear. I nodded "Sleep on me if you want, Carls" I reached up and kissed him.Then i snuggeled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me holding me to him. I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent. I feel sleep minutes later.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this will update soon. in the mean time, fan, comment and vote.

Thank you, guys xxx

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