Chapter 36

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A/N: heres the next chapter guys 😊 hope you enjoy it

If you don't already follow me on twitter then i'd love it if you did.. My twitter's @CharlotteMalikx i'll follow you back if you tweet me saying your a reader 😊 Love you guys

P.S. this story will be written from Carly's point of view until further notice


3 hours later we had arrived back at my house. Where i live is a small rural area of England, nearly everywhere is surround by fields and countryside. Its extremely different to London and Bradford which Zayn was used to.

We all hoped out of the car and collected our bags.

"It's lovely here isn't it?" Zayn asked as mum unlock the font door and we stepped inside

"I guess, but I'd rather be living in London" I said leading him inside

"Well, it's a good job your moving in with me then isn't it, Babe?" He chuckled

"Yeah it is" I said pecking his lips, my brother pulled a disgusted face behind Zayn, "Come on, let me show you to your room" I said taking his hand and leading him up the stairs

"Why aren't we sharing a room?" Zayn asked pouting a little bit

"don't pout, Baby" I laughed poking his lip so he would stop "and to answer you question mum and dad don't like the idea of us sharing a room,but we can wait until they go to bed then you can either come into my room or I'll come into yours" I suggested

"Sounds like a great idea, Babe" He said putting his bed and wrapping his arms around my waist, mine automatically went around his neck. He kissed me and pulled me into his chest. Now all Directioners are dying to have a 'Horan hug' but in my opinion 'Malik hugs' are the best...shh don't tell Nialler i said that haha!

"Come on, I'll show you round my hometown if you want" I suggested and pulled away unwillingly

"I'd love to to see your hometown babe" he said grinning at me, i returned the gesture and took his hand and laced my fingers through his and lead him back downstairs

"Carly, where are you going?" My mum called from the living room

"I'm just gonna show Zayn around, why?" i called back

"Your Gran and Grandad are coming tonight to meet Zayn and you need to start packing, love" she said appearing at the living room door "So don't take to long, okay?"

"I don't think it'll take that long, mum, see you a little while" i laughed, as i opened the front door and lead Zayn out of the door on to the street

"Where do you wanna go first, Zaynie?" i asked

"Um how about you show me your old school?" Zayn suggested "oh, and will you please stop calling me Zaynie?" he asked

"Okay lets go, and no I won't because you love it really" i said as we head in the direction on my old school

"No i really don't love it" he whined

"I love you" I said removing my hand from his wrapping my arms around his waist and stretched up and kissed his cheek

"I love you too babe" he said kissing the top of my head and wrapping an arm around my shoulder

5 minutes later we arrived at my old primary (A/N: i'm not sure what its called in america sorry but it's for kids aged 5-11) school

"This is where i used to go to school" i said as we leant on the fence outside

"It looks lovely babe" Zayn said

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Carly Baker" a voice said with a certain venom in their words, Zayn gave me a confused look and we turned to face the mystery person

"A-amy" i stuttered

"What are you doing back here??" she spat

"Let me think," I said said jokingly "oh yeah, that right I live here!" i said in a mock surprise voice, i saw Zayn biting his lip to stop a laugh coming out

"And who's this with you?" she said as she was checking out Zayn

"He's my boyfriend so you can stop checking him out, cus he doesn't go for bitches like you" i spat at her, then she slapped me

"Listen Amy you may have bullied me in school but not anymore!" i spat at her "You've have you fun not clear off and leave me the hell alone!" i said grabbing Zayn's hand and pulling him past her and shoving into her on purpose as i past her.

"Are you okay,babe?" Zayn asked

"I'm fine" i said trying to hide the fact that i was crying from him

"Carly, look at me baby" he said turning me to face him "she not worth crying over, okay?"

"I'm not crying because of her I'm crying because i finally stood up to her" i told him

"Aww, come here" he said opening his arms for me and i went into them willingly and wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his chest. He kissed the top of my head "I'm proud of you for standing up to her" he whispered in my ear, this put a smile on my face "wanna show me around more or do you wanna go home and watch a movie until your grandparents get there?" Zayn suggested

"The second option sounds great, if thats okay with you" i said pulling away to look at him

"It's fine babe" he said smiling at me as he wiped the remainder of my tears away with his thumb then took my hand and we made our way home.

A/N: thank you for reading 😊 i hope you enjoyed it ❤️

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