Chapter 29

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Carly's PoV

The Malik's lived in a three story town house and the decoration inside was beautiful. They sure are a family of good taste!

"So what can I get you guys?" Tricia asked as we all sat in the living room

"Hot chocolate!" Safaa cheered, everyone else requested Tea or coffee

"I'll give you a hand, mum" Zayn said squeezing my leg gently as he got up from the sofa, he then proceeded to follo his mum into the kitchen

Zayn's PoV

"So Zayn?" Mum asked as I get out seven mugs from the cupboard

"Yes?" I replied

"I think you've got yourself a keeper there, sweetie" She said filling the cups with the nessecary things

"I know mum" I smiled "I'm so happy you approve of Carly"

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked flicking the kettel on to boil "If my baby's happy then so am I"

"Well I'm amazingly happy, I'm just dreading when she has to leave at the end of summer" I pouted

"Zayn, Honey, if the way you look at each other is anything to go by you'll still be together when you're mine and your dad's age" She said pouring the boiling water into the cups and adding milk and sugar if the mugs that needed it and sturing. We headed back into the living room were everyone else was.

Carly's PoV

Zayn and his mum re-entered the room. he took two mugs off the tray, made his way over to the sofa and handed me one

"Thank you, Zaynie" I said smirking at him hoping for a reaction 'cause its fun winding him up

"No problem, Love" He said sitting down next to me and drapping an arm around my shoulder

"So I get no reaction off you for calling you Zaynie?" I asked

"Nope" he said popping the 'p'

"aww!! you're no fun anymore!" I pouted, Zayn laughed at my reaction

"what? I am fun!" He protested playfully

"No you're not" i said still pouting and crossing my arms cross my chest

"am too

"are not"

"am too"

"are not


"Zayn, Carly pack it in!" his dad said chucking at our little arguement

"are not " i whispered in his ear "ha i win!" i contiuned

"Babe?" Zayn said looking at me

"yep" i reply

"shut up"

"rude!" I laughed and turned away from him and started talking to Waliyha.

It was about midnight when Zayn and I left ,Safaa had fallen asleep at about half ten, we said our goodbyes and heading back to the hotel.

A/N: hey guys :) hope you enjoy this chapter

love you

Charlie x

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