Marvel Oc#2

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Name : Peyton Stark

Ethnicity: American and French

Age: 18

Parents : Tony stark-father
          Penelope Depien - mother

Looks :

Likes : violin (she plays pretty well) , baking, painting and trying new foods

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Likes : violin (she plays pretty well) , baking, painting and trying new foods

Dislikes - blood, using her powers or losing control over her power , bullies and water

Fear - water, she can't swim.

Backstory and orgin of her power -

Peyton was conceived on a one night stand, but Tony found out and wanted to be in the life of his daughter though he didn't have a connection with penelope. He was there for the delivery and loved her but penelope didn't want tony in her life if it was evolving around her baby so she ran away with Peyton.  They moved back t Paris but they become rather poor and close to the poverty line.

The pair worked in a bakery with until penelope got rather ill and passed when peyton was about 5 years old. She was in the foster system for a few years before she went looking for her father.

She snuck onto a plan to new York and bumped into her father. She gave him her birth certificate and evidence that they were related and Tony was so happy to have his daughter back.


One day when the two went to a beach for Peyton's 10th birthday, they went to a island to celebrate. During their celebration Peyton saw a shooting star and made a wish, unfortunately it wasn't a star but a meteor. She saw it come down and hit the mountain so she went to explore as it was rather close, she ignored her father yell and scream for her not to go as it was dangerous.

She didn't get to far when a meteor came down and hit her, killing her. Tony was beyond distraught. But within the meteor was a finger of Surtr the giant of fire, that Thor was fighting a few hundred light years away. The blood of the giant got into her system, rewiring it with giant DNA. Her heart restarted and her wounds healed. She stumbled out from under the meteor and was burning hot.

From that meteor and giant blood in her veins she developed similar powers Surtr the giant had. She could throw fire balls, her body can be engulfed by fire, she can manipulate lava, and healing regeneration as well as fire resistance.

Weakness - cold weather such as snow and water, as well as her anger, it can make her lose control rather easily

Hero outfit-

Hero name - Magma

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Hero name - Magma

Crush - Peter Parker

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