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For new comers! I'd just like to promote my two other story's that are out at the moment! Which is "the psycho killer" and "yandere strangers from hell x reader" since the first story I mentioned isn't going off of a tv show or movies I'll give you a description!

So basically "The Psycho Killer" book I've started writing, is a reader, with all these famous people! Like Kim Taehyung! Timothee chalamet! And much more! It's basically mixed! We even have zendaya and Alicia silverstone(aka Cher from 'Clueless') their not yandere over y/n! It's a normal, horror, thriller, action, crime type of book! But yes there will be live interest! So don't worry! The first chapter is already out for it! So if you want go check it out!

Other than that! Enjoyyyy!


You were walking down a alleyway, trying to hide from some guys that you owed money too. You had owed about 556 Million Won because you decided to run away from them after stealing that amount. You only did it because you had a little brother, Hwang-Lui, 9 years of age.

"Come here you bitch"  I quickened my pace as I heard that, slightly tripping over some rocks or sticks. Nearing a corner I bumped into a hard chest, looking up my eyes widened. 'Shit'
I turned and started to run, the guy right on my tail. I tripped over and smacked my face on the hard cement ground, nearly breaking a tooth.

My hair was pulled, with my head being  lifted up. He moved his face right next to mine "You thought you could just get away?" I didn't answer, too focused on the floor. "I'm talking to you, bitch" He spat in my face, making me internally gag. 'Who the fuck does that shit? Obviously him' I stared dead in the eye, "I don't have the money, okay" I looked back down at the floor "I gave you a month Y/N" his grip had tightened, some strands of hair being ripped out "a MONTH" "I promise you, I'll get you the money. I just need another month" I had whispered the last part in case he decided to just murder me from rage "another month huh? Let's make a deal instead hmm?" I only nodded "if you don't get me the money by the end of this month, I'll kill you. But if you do, I'll let you live. How does that sound?" I quickly nodded, which made him chuckle. Throwing me down to the floor he walked off, his gang members catching up to him.


I was waiting at the train station so I could catch my home train. Pulling out a cigarette, I lit it and brung it to my lips. Taking a big drag, I leaned against the white dirty walls.

Not even a minute later I heard footsteps, soon stoping next to me. I looked up to my right and seen a dude in a tux with a brief case. He smiled at me while he took the seat next to me. He was still facing me and spoke "Hi Miss, would you like to play a game with me?" I looked at this man full on confused. "Sorry man but I ain't bout to play some kid games" I took another puff of my cigarette, while looking away.

He decided to put his brief case on the bench and open it, I side glanced it and my eyes widened. There was money, like there had to be millions. I also seen two cards, red and blue.

"Ok what scam are you trying to pull?" I said still suspicious. "Haha, this isn't a scam Ma'am" "fine. I'm guessing we're gonna be playing ddajki?" He smiled even more "yes! If you win a round then you get 100,000.oo and if I win I get the same amount. Sound fair?" 'I don't have that type of money...' I looked at him and nervously smiled "I don't have that type of money dude." "Then you can pay with your body" I started to blush hard, and I'm guessing he could tell since he quickly corrected himself "no not like that, if I win I get to pull your hair" I was so relieved. "That seems alright" "then let's start"

For fuck sakes. I had only won twice and he's won like 7 times. This is why I don't play kid games. Rolling my eyes I decided to speak "hey man, my hair is gonna fall off if you keep that up" he then smirked, which made me self conscious in a way "then I'll give you a kiss on the cheek each time I win" dude really trying to sexually assault me through a game -_- but I had agreed so it's not.

I won 6 more times which means in total I had 800,000.00 thousand won. He got to kiss me 8 times, and not gonna lie I actually enjoyed it. He was handsome so it didn't help at all.

"Let's wrap it up and finish here" he said while pulling out a rusty brown card that has a circle ⭕️  triangle🔺 and square 🟥 "if you want to participate in more games and win more money then call this number" he handed me the card. I flipped it over to see a number and that was about it. Looking back up I didn't see the man anymore. Should've asked for his name, maybe even his number.


I got of the train and started to walk to my house. It was freezing cold and shit. Why the fuck did I decide to wear shorts, not to mention the cut on my lip stung every time I had licked my lips. Damn you cho-woo (guy who had pulled your hair near the start) I swear I should've just killed you instead of running away.

I got to my apartment that me and my little brother shared and was tackled into a hug "Y/N! Why are you so late?" Lui asked still hugging you "I had to talk to some people, sorry" I hugged him back, his small frame being engulfed in my big one. "Let's go out to eat, I finally have some money to get us decent food" I said pulling away "really!? Can we go get some ramen?!" "Ofcourse! Let's go there right now" he Beemed with joy, running to get his shoes on.

We were busy eating when that card had fallen out "Y/N what is that?" Lui pointed to the card that was now in my hands "oh this? It's a job offer! I'll be gone for a little while, so I'll give you money to get food for yourself!" "What? I don't want you to leave I'm only 9" he practically was now pouting "argh. Stop with that face! I have too! We need money, I promise I won't be long" I had my pinky out for him and he linked it with his own "you better."

The rest of the night was pretty chill. I decided to call the number "hello, if you wish to participate please state Y/n L/N and B/D (birth date)" the person said. Why they sound like a robot. Bloody voice manipulators. After I had stated my info he said that someone would be coming to pick me up in a black van outside my house at 12am. Kinda creepy how they know where I live, especially picking me up at 12am in a black van.

I sighed 'well if it's money then I'll risk it. I need to give my brother the childhood I didn't have after all'.....

Hey my squid fans! Hopefully that was a decent first chapter, write this at like 4am so that's probably why it's crappy. In the end it's still a story I guess! Anyways if you have any ideas that I could do for the next chapter then just plot them in the comment section, I'll see if I can fit them in with my story plot. Other than that have a wonderful day/evening/night ❤️

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