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I coughed up my apple juice as I heard that. "What!? We worked hard!" Ji yeong crossed her arms and huffed. Sae byeok just frowned.

"Eh. It tastes alright I guess?" I said slightly poking the food, it being hard as steel. Yep totally great!

I seen Ali spitting out his food into a napkin, making sure they didn't see him. I giggled and he noticed. Smiling widely I winked at him, he cheekily grinned back at me.

"Wow! All of you ate most of your food!" Sae byeok said surprised and eyeing everyone's plates. I quickly pushed mine forward for her and Ji yeong to take. "Well what can we say it tasted really...um....AWESOME!" I nervously coughed out.

"Right guys?" I side glared everyone. "Oh yeah! It was fantastic like-" Gi hun was cut off by sang woo "hah! You're seriously gonna lie?! Not tryna be rude or anything, but this? This is the worst and upmost disgusting thing I've had" he pushed his plate forward and scoffed.

Sae byeok glared daggers at him and threw the pancake at his head. It smacked him in the forehead. "OWEW! That shit hurts! See it's not even breakable!" He said pointing to the flat circle thing that was now on the floor.

"And? It's still food!" Ji yeong scoffed at him. I sat there just sipping my apple juice. I'm actually enjoying the drama. I then seen sang woo stand up and leave the dinning room. Ji yeong and Sae byeok doing the same, except they went to the kitchen to clean dishes.

Sang woos pov

I had walked out of the dinning room because those two made me mad. They can't even cook decent food. I bet y/n would be able to make hundreds of yummy food. Speaking of which.

Where did she go? I walked to her room and silently opened it, there stood y/n changing, her brother still asleep. My lips parted from shock. Everything went blank, I was only looking at her, and only listening to the sounds she emitted.

I felt myself growing hot. I didn't know what to do. I panicked and backed away from the door, hitting something onto the floor by accident. I quickly froze and looked straight at the door. There was no sound. "Hello?" She called out.

I quietly straightened my body "shit! Hey sorry was just coming to check up on you! But I kinda knocked your horse statue over!" I said and waited for her to respond.

"Is it broken?" "Uhhh?" I quickly lifer it up and set it in place, but the head was twisted 180. I cringed "uhhh! Yes! It's....okay?" I even questioned myself. "Oh ok then! That costed me about 100,000 yen. A lot of money!" She laughed out, I then heard her start dressing again.

I looked back at the horse and twisted the head, trying to put it in place, but noooo! It just had to break off. I mentally killed myself and tried to stick it back on.

I didn't notice the door was opened now, as I was trying different angles to put the head on. "I thought you said it wasn't broken?" I froze, I slightly turned to see y/n there. I nervously laughed. "Ahaha...I think the head come off! You know?" She took slow steps towards me, and I straightened up, the horses head in my right arm.

She took it off of me and held it up. Examining it. "Oh well. You can buy me another I guess" she said and handed me the horses head again. She then walked past me and made her way into the lounge.

That's not that much I guess. It's just a horse.

Y/n pov

I didn't really care about the horse that much. I don't even know why I kept it. It reminds me of my damn ex every time I look at it.

Flash Back

I was sitting down at a cafe waiting for my boyfriend. We had been together for 3 years now, and me and my brother lived with him.

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