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No ones pov

As the glass shattered along the floor, Sae byeok and the others quickly woke up. They looked around the place until they came face to face with the front man and the guards.

"Give y/n over!" He said and gestured a hand forward indicating to lend y/n over "you can suck my dick!" Jun jo yelled out. Deok su tried not to laugh but it had slipped through.

"Fine. If we have to take her by force then we will" the front man then raised his hand in the air and then swung it down. The guards then started rushing towards them, their guns in hand. But the guns were obviously just BB guns. Couldn't afford getting charged.

The guards then started shooting BB bullets towards everyone, but themselves. Just then a square masked pushed Ji yeoung up against a wall. Their arm pushing hard against her neck to prevent her from moving her head.

"You listen here you little bitch! Tell me where y/n is and I'll let you go." She only harden her glare "nah. I don't think I can sorry" she rolled her eyes at him after saying that. The guard only pushed his arm against her throat even more.

Ji yeoung started to choke, her hands finding themselves on his arm, trying to pry it off. But the guard didn't budge and get his hold on her. She then struggled even more, her air cutting short with each passing minute.

"F....fine..." she choked out. The guard went closer "what was that? I couldn't hear you" "FIINE!" She used the rest of air she had just to scream. He then let her go, she fell to the ground gasping for air, her hands quickly making their way to her throat and rubbing the area.

The others were having trouble fighting off the other guards as there were so many of them. But that didn't stop them, they still kept on going. Even if it meant they would die.

The guard then kneeled down towards Ji yeoung and grabbed her chin. He tilted it upwards towards him, so that she was staring directly at him "now. Lead the way" he said before grabbing her hair and pulling her upwards. She groaned from pain and pushed him away "I can walk by myself" he chuckled and pushed her forward to walk, and so she did.

They were making their way up the stairs until y/n appeared at the top. Ji yeoung froze and the guard just smirked "I guess she decided to make the job easier" he then pushed past through ji yeoung and made his way up to y/n.

Y/n was too tired to comprehend what was happening and just stood there until the guard was in front of her "well aren't you a pretty little thing" he complemented, while his right hand rubbed her left cheek. "What's going on?" Y/n asked while slightly looking to the side down at Ji yeoung. "And who are you?" She added on, staring back at the guy.

She admits that he's handsome, but she doesn't know who he is and what he's doing in her house. Just then she heard some glass break and loud yell. "What the" she then took the guys hand off of her face and made her way past him.

Walking down the stairs Ji yeoung grabbed her wrist and whispered "y/n you have to get out of here, they're here for you" y/n looked at her all confused and yanked her hand away from her. She carried on down the stairs and made her way towards the living room.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw about over what? 200+ people in her house fighting one another. "WHAT IS GOING ON!?" She yelled. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

Y/n pov

They all just stared at me not saying anything, it was getting a bit annoying to say the least. I then saw someone who looked awfully familiar, the front man.

"It's nice of you to join us y/n. We were just...having a small talk with your friends" he said and smiled oh so innocently. I went to speak but was grabbed suddenly. Their arm wrapped from behind fully, pulling me into them as their free hand covered my mouth. Making me unable to to speak or barley move.

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