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Y/n pov

"Can you turn the radio up?" Ji yeong asked. I nodded my head and reached over to the radio and turned the volume up. 'So far so good' was playing by television. She started to sing along to the words and bopped her head up and down to the beat.

I smiled and then looked back forward, focusing on the road. I looked to my side and saw Ali sleeping, I wouldn't blame him this ride was gonna be 5 hours. Tiring if you ask me since IM the driver and not THEM.

He looked so peaceful though. I turned to the front again and saw that the sun was coming down, meaning it's gonna be night soon. I started to speed up so we could stop somewhere for the night and not have to sleep in here all cramped up.


I saw that there was a motel just next ti a gas station so we decided we'd stay there for the night and get gas the next day. I parked the car and got out. "You guys stay here, I'll go in" they hesitated but I walked off not letting them say anything.

Jogging into the place i looked around to see if any body was here. I didn't see anyone at the reception and started to wonder down the halls calling out to anyone who could hear me. Suddenly I heard a bang on the door next to me and the door opened "could you shut up lady?! There's people sleeping in here!!" The guy yelled at me "I'm sorry I'm just looking for the receptionist, have you seen them around?" He stared at me and then put his finger on his chin. Indicating he was thinking. "Last time I checked she was.....up your ass!" He yelled the last part before slamming the door shut on my face.

"Fuck you man!" He just banged on the wall again. Stomping down the halls again I turned the corner only to bump into someone. "Ahh shit! Sorry!" I said looking up. The person turned around and my eyes widen.


We were all in the car and waited for y/n. What's taking her so long? She's been in there for about 15 -20 minutes now. She really does like to take her time.

"Do you think we should check up on her?" I asked concern in my voice "it's a motel. She's gonna take but with getting the rooms key and everything. Don't panic too much" Sae byeok said and patted my shoulder. I sighed and looked down, my legs shaking from feeling nervous and uneasy.

Y/n pov

I was slammed against the wall. I then fell to the ground coughing up blood. "You dumb bitch thought you could leave me with nothing!" I was then kicked in the stomach, making me spit up more blood.

"You cheated on ME!" I squeezed out between breaths. He chuckled darkly and looked down at you "look at how pathetic you are right now," he said before grabbing a mirror and facing it towards me "you wonder why I cheated on a low life like you" he then laughed his ass off in your face.

You teared up and started to get mad "fuck right off you asshole!" I yelled and sat up, me leaning against a wall to keep my balance. He only laughed at me and grabbed my hair, some ripping out. "I will when I'm finished with you" he whispered in my ear, before dragging me along the floor by my hair.

I was screaming and kicking around, hoping to free myself from this maniac. Or, at least be heard by someone. But no one came, which confused and scared me. Does this type of stuff happen a lot?

I was then abruptly thrown in a room, the door shutting behind me. I was on the floor, and took in my surroundings. There were knifes and guns. Anything you could possibly use to kill something Or someone. I started to panic and turned around, only to be met with 'Shin Zhou' which was my ex boyfriend. His eyes held fury.

"I hope you know how much you put me through as soon as you left me" he spat in my face and stood straight. I wiped the spit off of my face and gagged in disgust. "Yuck" I mumbled. He looked at me "what?" "Nothing" he then turned back around to what he was doing.

Is this how I die?

No ones pov

"We should go in" sang woo said. They all nodded but as soon as they were gonna get out about 15 vans/cars showed up. Inside were me. That looked to be about in their 20's or 30's.

Once they parked up they all started to get out of the car. "What the hell is going on?" Ali asked looking at them with an wow impression. Sang woo got mad and yelled "this is not the time to get all fangirling" Ali frowned and crossed his arms.

"We found where she is sir" the guy from the van spoke. "Then hurry and bring her" he then hung up and The masked worker quickly walked over to the building and went inside. It was dead silent.

Hehehe hope y'all enjoyyyyyyyyy bloody love y'all so much! ❤️❤️❤️

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