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It was around 1am, time was ticking and who knows what would happen. I seen that everyone was asleep, and got up out of bed and made my way over to sae byeok. My knife in the right hand.

I just stared at her and then trailed my eyes down to her hip, seeing the bandage that was wrapped around her was soaked in blood. I then crouched down to eye level. Staring at her.

She looks so peaceful....I raised my right hand and slammed hit down. I seen a bit of blood make it's way out of the cut I had just made. Shit. I was trying to cut my shirt so I could wrap it around sae byeok, but instead I cut myself.

I sighed and kept cutting the fabric off. Once i was done I then started to undo the bandage around sae Byeoks waist. As I was doing so my hand was suddenly grabbed I quickly looked up, she was staring at me with her eyes half lidded. She then gently let my hand go and closed her eyes fully, allowing me to carry on. So I did just that.

Once I was done I kissed her forehead and walked away. It was now 1:45am. I need to make a move. But who should I kill? I decided to kill whoever was the person closest to me. On my right I had Deok su and then on my left I had Mi nyeo. I have to choose out of one of those two...

No. Let's aim for one of those guys I don't even know. I then got up, and walked over to sang woo. I knew he was awake, his eyes were shaking from being forced to close shut.

So I decided to scare him, walking closer I raised my hand with my knife in it high in the air. I then jumped on him, he was about to shout but I shut him up with my left hand and out the knife to his throat.

His eyes went wide. "Make any move and I'll slit your throat" I said dangerously. Although it was just a prank, it felt good. He nodded his head yes, we stayed like this for a few minutes. I then put my left hand to my lips signaling him to stay quiet. He once again nodded, he didn't look afraid but shocked.

I then looked to my right and seen the priest, also the guy who pushed me down the stairs. 'I thought he died?' Must have gotten confused with another guy.

I smirked while staring at the priest. He was sleeping, his snores loud. Wonderful! I looked back at sang woo and winked. Getting off of him, I made my way over to the sleeping beauty.

I stared at him 'hmmm how should I kill you? Huh? Helloooooo!' I think I'm going insane. He was laying on his back, his hands out of the blanket and placed nicely across each other.

I drew my knife along his face, him sometimes flinching. I then glided the knife down to his neck. Bingo. I raised my right hand in the air, the knife shimmering from the lights. My shadow hovering over his face.

I then swung my hand down into his throat. He screeched and that's what woke everybody up. He started to gurgle up his own blood. Some squirting on my face. Disgusting.

I then took the knife out, the blood squirting everywhere now. The people around me were shocked, terrified, and disgusted by the sight. I then started to repeatedly stab him, while laughing my ass off.

Once I was done and he wasn't moving, I stopped laughing and turned around. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my t-shirt I used for the games, and cleaned my face off.

I heard some people start crying, two people were at the door asking to get help for the guy. But the others only stared, they didn't care nor did the guards.

They had walked in with a coffee and placed the guy inside of it. A random girl from that group walked up to me, and tried to strangle me. "You fucking crazy bitch!" She yelled while strangling me "you don't belong in this world!!!" She said, she was pulled off my a guard and Ali.

I sat back up and smirked at her. I made a gun with my hand and pointed it at her "BANG!" I shouted and laughed.


It was now morning. The music waking us all up, I seen that girl staring at me and made a smug smile. She scoffed and looked away. Bitch.

I got out of bed and started to stretch. I was now in doggy style, my ass pointing in the air and my back arched. I felt someone behind me, turning I seen Ali "hi! Can I do some stretches with you?" He asked politely while walking to your side "of course you can!" I enthusiastically yelled.

We both were doing multiple positions. I went into the splits and he tried to copy but failed miserably "oHHhh! MY BALLS!" He cried out. He was now holding onto hiscc BBC ditch while rolling around on the floor groaning badly. I bursted out laughing and so did some others. "Oh god! Why would you try to do a split?!" I laughed out "I thought it would be easy" he once again cried out.

"You idiot! You have to be flexible" I said while facepalming and snickering at him. "Please follow the staff out to your last game" the intercom spoke. I didn't even notice the guards.

We were all walking out of the room and up the stairs that lead to who knows where. Suddenly we were led outside. I started to get wet, I looked up and saw that it was raining heavily. Oh god no.

I stepped further into the area, two guards inside her. I looked at the floor, and immediately knew what game we were about to play.

Squid game....

Heya! Srry I didn't update earlier, my dad broke my phone screen and now he's gonna replace it tmr or some time! It still works which is a blessing! But I hope ur enjoying this book so farrrr! Also I've been asked about the reader being in a poly relationship, what's gonna happen after the games ect. Yes, the reader will be in a poly relationship! And after the games, we will be focusing more on the yandere side of the characters. This will continue until I get upto around chapter 30, or some time! Anyways cyaaaaaa my squid childrenn!

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