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Jun ho's POV

Walking out of the room, I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw the square guard walking faster, catching up to me. I turned around as he walked beside me "29. I suggest you explain why you had kissed y/n behind that bunk bed" he demanded while turning his head towards me. "I didn't." I said, my voice deep with a hint of annoyance "don't play dumb with me. You're lucky no players saw, or else it would've been bye bye to your sorry ass" he snarled out.

"Fine. So what if I did. You got a problem!?" I stopped walking, him mirroring my actions. He pushed me harshly against the wall, making me fall down to the ground as he looked down at me. "You better watch that mouth of yours. You could end up with a bullet in your head." He stated. He leaned down grabbing my shoulder. A firm grip so I couldn't move "if I see you kiss her again, I won't hesitate and murder you right then and there" he stood up and started walking off.

"Asshole" I murmured while standing back up, and following along again.


"Y/n it's best if you stick with us tonight" Deok su said as he placed a hand on my cheek. I nodded and walked closer to him, he wrapped his arms around me and led me to a bed. It was in the middle of his and Mi nyeo. Even though I was friends with sae byeok, gi hun, Ali, the old man, ugh and hate to say it but sang woo. I still needed to be with people who are strong, and are capable of protecting and fighting me and the others.

I sat down looking at everyone. I seen gi hun and the others building a little barrier. Deok su noticed as well and started making his way over to them, I got up and followed him from behind. "Hey Gi hun" Deok su said, catching the other mans attention. He walked over to us, though the metal bars separated us from one another. "Yeah?" He asked "I appreciate the hard work you're doing, looks very good. But do you think that's gonna stop me and the others coming in?" He smirked at gi hun. "You know Deok su. Do you really trust those guys over there?" He said while pointing at the group we were staying with. Deok su glanced at them and back at gi hun "because if I were them, you'd be the first one I would kill and take out. You're big and strong. Scarier than the rest of us" he said, his face serious. Deok su stopped smirking, his smile faltering just like his ego was in that moment.

Gi hun looked at me and weakly smiled. "Stay safe y/n" I smiled back "I will. Don't die either" he just chuckled and then shut us out with a metal flat plate. I turned to Deok su. "Yah you idiot!" I smacked him on the head "stop scaring people" I walked off and Deok su followed "I was just trying to rile them up a little. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed.

My eyes started to fall close, my surroundings disappearing.


I was awoken by Deok su. "Oh for fuck sakes! What is it now!?" I yelled, still trying to open my eyes. "We need to leave for the next game" he said while picking me up bridle style. My eyes now fully awake I looked around as people started leaving for the next game, Deok su had put me down so I could walk on my own two feet.

We made it to a room, it was fully white, and had stair cases. "The next game will begin soon. Please form a team of 10 in the time you are given. Your 10 minutes starts now"

People started rushing around, trying to get into any teams before the time ran out. I sat down with gi hun, the old man, saw byeok, Ali, and sang woo. I looked to my side and saw sang woo staring. "What?" "Nothing...everyone bring back another player that's male. It's tug of war, I looked on the wall before leaving." We all nodded our heads and started walking around. I walked up to Deok su and asked if he wanted to be in our team, which he accepted. His team was shocked but understood and thought it was because he liked you. Which isn't wrong.

Sitting back down with the others, sang woo went around "saw byeok I said only boys, not girls" I looked at the girl he was talking about "240" "if this is a problem then I can go" she said while standing up, ready to leave. "Please no! Stay it's okay" gi hun said while slightly glaring at sang woo. Sang woo scoffed "at least y/n understood the assignment" he grumbled. I heard him and looked over. He looked at me in which I blew a kiss his way before turning away.

"Your time is up! Please make your way through these doors and proceed to the games"

We walked through the white doors and found ourselves very high up in the air. If there was anything you were scared of, it was heights.

You quickly cling onto sang woo, your arms wrapped from behind him, and ending at the front of his body. You could feel his toned abs through his shirt. 'Damn. Thought he was at least chubby ngl' I thought while snickering to myself. He grabbed my hands and bring me out from behind and put me in front of him.

He had switched our positions, meaning he was hugging me from behind now. I blushed and saw a square guard turn to us, and walk over "what are you two doing?" He asked. Sang woo spoke "she's scared of fights so I'm comforting her" he spoke rudely towards the masked man. The guard then took one more step closer, the both of them in each other's faces. After 5 minutes I clapped my hands in front of their faces "calm it you horny fucks" I said rolling my eyes.

The guard backed away, both staring at me now. I turned to the front, stepping back into sang woos arms. I heard the guard 'tsk' and walk away again.

Sorry this chapters a bit short! But hopefully u liked it once again. A bit of tension is rising up in hereeeeee!!!!! Anywaysss have a wonderful day/night/eveninggg xxx

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