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I was currently awake in bed. Some people up and about and other not. I turned and looked towards 240. I need to get her name. I thought, my mind was spinning with whatever's, like burgers and how I wanted to open up a music studio with the money I get if I win. "Y/n?" I looked over and saw saw byeok. She looked upset for some reason, her eyes looking back at me and then at 240.

"Hey! What's wrong? You look upset"

Sae-byeok POV

"Oh it's nothing" I lied. What the hell was Ji yeong doing in her bed? Did they make out? Are they tigether?! No! I won't let that happen, she's mine. I refuse to see them together as a happy couple "sae byeok!" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at y/n "uh yea?" "I was calling your name three times" she said frowning, I shrugged and started walking off. I was too annoyed to even talk to y/n.

I should get rid of Ji yeong. And fast if I need to. I took one last glance and seen Ji yeong waking up and hugging y/n. 'Tsk. I'll cut every damn finger off of her hand' I thought before joining the line. I felt that there was someone behind me, and to my displeasure it was Ji yeong and y/n talking about some things they wanted to do after they leave.

I didn't look at them, not once. But I did listen to their conversation "so y/n are you looking for a relationship?!" "Actually yeah! I'm bisexual so I go both ways" I heard Ji yeong get excited "really!? I'm lesbian! I think we'd make a cute couple don't you agreeee~" did this bitch just try and ask her out, right in front of me too. "May-." I cut y/n off and swung around "hey guys! Didn't see you there!" I seen Hi yeong glare at me. I just smirked. "Oh nothing important! Just about relationships ect" I looked at her intensely "well do you fancy anyone here?" I asked hoping she'd just spit my name out so I could laugh in Ji yeongs face.

"Yes actually!" She said. My heart beat fastens "oh yea! Who is it!" I asked desperately "oh it's not just one person. It's a couple of people. This is the problem when you're bisexual! You find a lot of people hot!" She said while whining. My heart dropped. So this is a free for all. Huh! I'll win her over any day I mean look at me. I'm all she can possibly need.

"Alright follow us to the next games" the square guard spoke, we turned around and faced the front. Y/n was in the middle of me and Ji yeong.


"Hey 240! I forgot to ask, but what's your name?" I said curiously "ohhh I'm upset that you don't know. It's Ji yeong" she said dramatically with fake tears running down her cheeks, we both giggled at this and continued walking.

Sooner or later we ended up in a white room again. Except this time there were numbers going up to 27 on pieces of vests. "Please pick a number in which you will be playing in. You will be going in order. You have 10 minutes"

After that no one moved. We looked at eachother, until some asshole decided to push me out of the way and get number one. When he had pushed me I tripped down the stairs, I smacked my head on one of the steps and got knocked right out. I could hear gi hun and people panic, until they faded.


I jolted awake and looked at my surroundings. I was in a black and gold room, and was inside a king sized bed with silky sheet. I got up and walked to the door. I quietly and gently opened the door to see a room full of people. They were wearing masks and robes. 'Ew. They are so fucking old' I thought as I looked at them.

They didn't notice me as the room was on the side and not in front. Looking down at myself I noticed I was basically naked. Quickly closing the door I looked around for my clothes, only seeing a robe for me. "You got to be kidding me" I said and took it off the clothing rack. Slipping it on, I tightened the rope around my waste making sure it wouldn't fall.

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