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We were split into two teams. We decided the teams and obviously we all stayed with the group we came in with. Looking at the way this came is played only one team can win.

"Please get ready to start. You have 20 minutes" we then started playing. I nearly got stabbed by the bitch who strangled me. I kicked her in the leg, making her face plant into the ground. I started to run off, making my way to the winning spot.


"Did you see that kick 069 did!? Thank god I betted  on that chick" one of them said cheerfully. "Her physical status is amazing. I've never been wowed struck" "that's because you're never really impressed dumbass" the same guy said from before. The guy who was apparently said to be a hard one to impressed, looked at the guy and said some awful and rude things towards him "I at least see the flaws in people, like I can see that you're nothing but a peace of waste" he snarled out. The other guys scoffed and they started to argue.

"Men. Please, let's enjoy the last game shall we?" The front man asked, they mumbled yes and took a seat, food and wine in their hold.


I was suddenly yanked back by my hair. Looking up I seen the girl from before, "fucking bitch! See you in hell!" She screamed before slamming the knife into my chest. I coughed up blood, my eyes wide from the pain that had just surged it's way through me. "AHHHHH!" I screamed out, she then ripped the knife out and threw me forward.

Coughing up blood, I saw that the stab wound was bad, but not to the point where I would die in like 10 minutes. I started to crawl on my stomach, but she roughly grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. When she did I used all of my strength to kick her in the face, as she was crutches down to sit on me.

She flew back and grunted. She looked at me, our eyes staring at each other with so much hate. She got back up and started walking closer, I then started crawling back.

She then gripped my ankle, and stomped her foot down onto it. The sound of crackling could be heard....."AhhrhhhhhHhUhU" I was screaming as tears feel down my face. 'This bitch just broke my ankle! Fucking Oh sang woo impersonator' (From killing stalking😏)

I seen her smirk and make her way up to my face. "Have any last words?" She said the knife near my stomach. I smirked at her "fuck You" I said spitting blood onto her face "fucking slut. Too bad you're gonna die" I then shook my head no "actually. I think it's the other way round bitch" I said before snatching my knife from my left hand and plunging it into the side of her neck.

She dropped the knife onto the floor, her eyes bloodshot. Blood started to dribble out from her mouth, and onto me. Pulling the knife out I pushed her off of me and sat up on my butt. She started to twitch and gurgle.

I sat there and watched as she died little by little. I turned my head away after seeing her stop breathing and looked around. The other team was getting killed by us, I seen Sae byeok getting stabbed in the leg. "Shit" I whispered yelled. She had a two stab wounds now.

"SANG WOO!" I shouted he looked over after slitting the guys throat "YEAH!?" "GO HELP SAE BYEOK!" He then turned and looked at her, he started to jog over and stabbed the guy in the back. He fell to the ground with a thud.

Sae byeok looked at me and mouthed a thank you, and also did the same with sang woo. Everyone was dead now. It was over, all finally  over. I could leave and go home. I fell to the ground, as the rain poured even harder now. My ankle bruised up, and the stab wound in my chest was still leaking heavily with blood.

I closed my eyes, feeling the rain splatter on me. I liked the feeling of being in the rain, cold, foggy ect.

I felt like I was being carried, but couldn't open my eyes, as I lost too much blood. Am I gonna die? What's....happening to.....me?........

I started to open my eyes, slightly seeing I was in a white room. I steadied my eye sight and saw I was In the.....hospital? I looked down at myself and saw that I was wired up, to monitor my heart rate. I had a gown on and nothing else underneath. "What happened?" I mumbled confusedly, I then saw a doctor walk in "hello miss y/l/n, how are you feeling?" He said and walked next to me "uh fine I guess? What happened?"

He frowned and crossed his arms "you apparently tried to jump off a bridge, and somehow ended up with a broken ankle and wound to the chest. The ankle is explainable but the wound, the wound looks like someone or yourself has stabbed you." He explained. He then sat down in a chair and eyed you up.

You didn't know what to think. All you remember is fainting right after the games. Did they say that as their own alibi so I could get help without leading the police to them? "I...I don't remember" I lied, he just nodded and stood up "I suggest you get some rest then. You will be able to leave tomorrow if you feel better." He then walked towards the door, but you stopped him before he left "wait!" He turned around and waited "how long have I been here for?" He once again frowned at this "miss, you've been here for over a month now"

I couldn't breath properly, how, how have I been here for over a month! It doesn't make sense. "I...I have a big favour to ask" he walked back in "I need you to make it so it looks like I died, so no one knows I'm alive....please" he looked at you seriously "are you sure?" His voice intimidating and well together "yes" I said. He nodded his head and left.

What the hell am I supposed to do now? I looked to the side and saw my phone, grabbing it. I opened it up, and quickly went to check my bank account. My breath hitched there sat 45.6 billion yen. I thought they halted it between us? Or was I wrong?

I decided I'd change my name and everything. I can't let people know who I am. Not anymore anyways.

Y'all ready to get into the yandere side!? Again! I will be finishing around chapter 30 ❤️

Cyaaaaa my squid children xxxxx

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