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~Money is the reason we exist, everybody knows it's a fact, kiss kiss~

I turned around to face the girl who had jumped on me, I quickly shoved her off of me, thinking she was trying to kill me. She landed on the floor with a thud "owwww my asss! Girl you got some damn muscles!" She whined, she stood up, rubbing her ass and walking back over to us "sorry" she looked at me and smiled "it's alright! The names Mi-nyeo, how about you?" "Y/n" "nice. You know you could always team up with me, these guys don't stand a chance" she said proudly "and you know, I'm good at everything except the ones I'm not good at" I laughed. 'She's funny' I turned around but grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into our little group. But unbeknownst to you, you didn't see the blush that crept up on to her face, the others did though and started to glare daggers at her.

Gi-Huns POV
'Why did y/n touch her!? I swear if Mi-Nyeo does anything. I'll kill her myself' I was cut out of my thoughts as a hand rested on my shoulder, looking over it was the old man "you like her don't you" he asked staring at y/n, I looked at her too. "You should make a move onto her as there's others that like her too" hearing that made my body heat up, rage running through my blood. To take my mind off of thing I decided to speak up "do you guys have any clue what the next game might be?"

Back to your POV

I looked at Gi-hun and shrugged my shoulders. While everyone was suggesting games that we could possibly be playing next I looked at the wall, zoning out. That was until I seen what was drawn it painted on the wall. The first one was green light red light. The second was honeycomb. "We will be playing honeycomb" I say without staring at them, too focused on the drawing on the walls. "How do you know that!?" Sang woo asked, it sounded like he didn't really believe you "well, look at the wall. The games are in order and shows you what game we are playing next" they all looked at the wall, surprised. "Wow. I'm glad we have you here" Ali spoke up, you smiled at him, sang woo scoffed, he stood up and started to walk off.

He had sat by himself in a corner while staring at you. You stared back but then looked away, because you felt a blush start creeping it's way up onto your cheeks. But Sang woo saw and smirked to himself.


Suddenly we were all interrupted by the guards coming in. "Lights are going out in 10 minutes" the square guard said. He then started looking around, his head stopping in your direction. He then walked back out of the main room, the triangle guards following close behind him.

I got up and walked over to my bed. I saw Sae-byeok by herself in her bed too. I was staring for too long since she caught me, I smiled at her and she just stared. I sighed and looked away. That was until I felt the end of my bed go down, looking up I seen Sae-Byeok. "I got a brother just like you" she said not even staring at me, she continued "he's 8, and in an orphanage" "I'm sorry to hear that" I said while looking sad "don't be. I tell him that our parents are gonna be here next year and that we're gonna be a happy family again" she now looked at me "but it's a lie. We were trying to escape North Korea to live freely here. But my mum was caught and my dad was killed" I gasp my hand covering my mouth, I quickly scoot over to her and give her a big hug "hey it's gonna be alright. I promise you! You're gonna get out of here and live happily with your brother and mom. I promise" she weakly smiled, she hugged me back right after, tighter than my hug.

After a wee while of talking it was time for bed, the lights switched off and everything was silent. Suddenly I heard yelling, looking towards the sound I seen 212 squatting with her pants down, I blushed and had second hand embarrassment "alright! You guys ready to hear some rain!" She yelled, I quickly walked down and stopped her "what are you doing Mi-Nyeo!? Get up! They have cameras and gonna catch you in 4K" she quickly stood up and pulled her sweat pants up. "Right. Forgot. Hahaha" she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, I rolled my eyes playfully and walked over to the door.

Nocking on it 3 times I heard the sound of the door opening "follow me. Just before we could go out Sae-Byeok came right in front of us "I need to go as well" she said. "What the hell!? You think you can just walk over all this!?" Mi-nyeo exclaimed, I grabbed her arm and looked at her "let's not wake the others okay?" She took in a deep breath and nodded her head. We all walked out and went into the bathroom, I was last to enter and looked at the triangle mask, smirking I zipped my jack down, revealing a bit of my breast. I seen him stare down a little and slightly moved. Got him. I walked into the bathroom not before winking at him.

I smelt smoke coming from one of the stalls and knocked on it. It quickly opened revealing Mi-Nyeo smoking. She pointed up wards and I seen the vent was opened I guessed that sae-byeok was up there. Walking out of the stall I heard the guard telling us to hurry up. I looked at Mi-nyeo "I'll create a scene in another stall, so when he comes in he'll come to my stall first and that will give her time to come out of the vents" she nodded and closed the stall door, I made my way over to the one across them.

I pulled my pants down and sat on the toilet, I put my hands in between my legs, pretending I was masterbating 'this will be fun' I thought smirking widely, I put my other hand on the ledge beside me and screwed my face up "ohhh gOOoDDdd! it FeEEEeeLlssssS soOoOoooOo GgOoDdd" I moaned out, I heard two giggles across me "FuUuuUcKkk!" Suddenly the bathroom doors busted open, I heard the guard coming towards me so I moaned last time "DAaaMNnn! I wishHhH ONnEEe OFfFf ThoSeee guardsss WErEre FuckIiinGgg MEeee" that's when the stall door smacked open, revealing the triangle masked dude. I quickly retreated my hands and pulled up my pants "yahhh! What the FUCK man!" I screamed. The other two walked out of their stall and stood there watching, I walked up to him and whispered "you wanted to fuck you should've just said so~" he quickly turned around embarrassed. Me and the girls walked out of the bathroom and back into the main hall. When the door shut, I could hear the mask dude telling the other two what happened and I smirked.

"Oh my god y/n! That was so funny and cool!" Mi-Nyeo said while wrapping her arms around my neck. I just giggled. We started to head to bed when sae byeok spoke "they were cooking something. I didn't see anything but it smelt sweet" then it was confirmed it is honeycomb. "I guess I was right. It's the honeycomb challenge we are doing tomorrow" they only nodded their heads. I walked off and went to my bed.

It all went black until I heard that damn music playing.

Hehehehe sorry it took so long! I made it a bit more longer since I didn't post until now. Hope u enjoyyyyyy!!!!

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