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Hello everyone! Even my friends that found this book🙄😂🥲 so to my friends who have found this! U better not tease me about the damn fluff!💀 and to my fellow readers! I hope u are enjoying this book so far! Everyday I try to upload and I do! Please look forward to my next chapter which is tonightttt!!!! I also couldn't read all ur comments as I got over 300+ notification today and was like "tffff! Damnnnn" I try to respond to many of your comments as possible but for now I do not think that is possible😂 but please if u have any questions make sure u ask them in my profile in the conversation bored! I also wanted to talk about how people are commenting "author SA is not cool" and i know that. I'm not saying its good at all. I can write SA scenes if i want too. If it trigger you please don't read, i had mentioned at the start this will contain SA yet you guys keep reading? Something doesn't add up. Most x reader fanfics show that the reader is innocent and doesn't do anything bad. And i wanted to change that. Not every character is perfect, and sometimes you have to write ugly, which means sometimes you have to write things that contain SA, SH, ect. So if you're gonna sit here and get mad at ME, who might i remind you AGAIN that i had mentioned that this book would contain that type of stuff before hand, you continued know what you were gonna read, so don't blame me. Anywaysss until tonight cyaaaa!!!!!😘😘😘

Yandere Squid Game x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now