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Waking up, I was surrounded by Sae byeok, Deok su, sang woo, Gi hun, Mi nyeo, ji yeong, Ali, there were other people, the same amount of us. "Oh my god! I thought you died!" Mi nyeo screamed as she collided with me. She squeezed me in a hug while kissing my face.

I tried standing up, but my lower region aches badly 'shit. Forgot I got fucked by Jun ho' I thought and sat back down. "Why are your legs shaking so much?" Sang woo asked very suspiciously. I started to sweat drop like hell. Maybe I should tell them. Maybe not. But their my friends. Ehhhhh. "Y/n tell us what happened!" Sae byeok slightly yelled. "IGOTFUCKED" I said rush fully. They looked at me confusedly except for Gi hun. He looked like he was gonna punch a bitch.

I looked nervous, hoping they didn't understand what I said. "Did anyone understand her made up language?" Ji yeong said laughing. "She said quote on quote "I got fucked"" Gi hun said lowly. Ji yeongs laughing died down and was replaced with anger.

"YOURE TELLING ME THAT YOU GOT FUCKED!?" She yelled. After that all of them started yelling at me. 'Oh god. Maybe I should t have said anything' I thought "guys! It's okayyyyy! It's not my first time" I said winking "he was too" I added. They looked at you with disbelief. Their anger boiling up every second.

Suddenly I was pulled up by Mi nyeo "Did he bust in you huh?! Did he!? I'm taking your ass to the toilets right now!" She yelled and dragged me to the door. The other two girls followed close behind obviously mad.

The guards didn't even have a chance to try it with me and Mi nyeo pushed passed them and into the bathroom "drop your pants and underwear. NOW!" She yelled once again. I slowly took them off and she spreads my legs, while inserting a finger. I moaned at this. Embarrassed I quickly closed my mouth. 'What the fuck is happening' I asked myself, Mi nyeo then pulled her finger out. She turned around so I couldn't see. To be honest I don't even remember if he did or not.

The three of them were silent, all looking at Mi nyeo finger ".....y/n......who was the guy? Hmmm?" She asked dangerously calm. "Uhm. Jun go?" Damn literally just ratted him out hehehe. "Hahaha....HAHAHAHAHAHS!" Oh shittttt she's pissed as fuck now. I'm guessing he did which means I can get pregnant. I mean he gave me Pills so hopefully that works.

They all three looked at me...... "he...he CUMMED IN YOU!" Sae byeok yelled at me. "Calm down! I took pills" I said and shrugged. I pulled my underwear and pants back up. "That doesn't change the fact he fucked you." Ji yeong said calmly trying not to get even madder than what she already is. I sighed and walked out and back into the main room.

I was on my bed while the others came back and walked up to the boys and told them. They got even madder and started throwing random shit and curses around. 'Goddamnnnn! Ain't that a sight to see' I thought. I don't know why, but it felt good seeing them get protective over me. It seems to me that they like me, and I mean more than a friend. I smirked at this and laid down in my bed which was provided for all of us.

One guy came up to me, from that nobody gives a shit group and sat next to me "you know they like you right?" He asked "I know. But it's fine because, I have feelings towards each and everyone of them" I confessed. This man probably getting the best gossip that he's ever had. "Well I suggest you figure something out before they rip each other apart." He said lastly before walking back to his group.

I was in my thoughts, processing what that guys told me. He's not wrong. But what can I do? I can't help that I have feeling for each of them. And I hate myself for it.

I sighed. Nothing has ever hit me this hard.

Out of no where the doors busted open travelling the guards. One walked over to me "069 please get out of the bed, we are taking these bunks out of here" he said gently. I stood up and made my way back to my group, they all looked at me. None of them smiled or treated me so I decided to just sit by myself. Fuck them. Argh. Fuck these feelings too.

After the guards took out the bunk beds they then put single beds inside one for each of us. After they did that they placed box's with a red ribbon tied on top, on our beds. "I want to congratulate you all for making it this far. We've decided to give you a present, please open the box's" we did as we were told and there were suits, tuxedo suits if I'm being specific.

I seen people making their way to the bathrooms, I was too exhausted and my legs still hurt, so I decided to get changed here, taking off my clothes I heard some gasp ect.

"069. What are you doing?" I turned around and seen the square mask guard "I'm getting changed in here" I stated, I seen that people were staring. I continued changing into my clothes, while the square guard was still there, watching me, intensely.

I turned around "see all done, no big deal" he didn't say anything so I turned around again folding my other clothes that I had taken off, into the box. "I don't want people seeing you half naked" he finally said, turning around again I decided to grab his hands and hold them. "You know what's funny? Is that you all like me. And I feel the same if I'm being honest. But in the end, I'm gonna have to choose one person. Even if I can't see your guys faces, it's your personality that makes me like you guards." I said out of no where.

He was shocked that you had confessed that, out loud too. So the other guards, the people that are basically obsessed with you and the group we don't care about heard. He tightened his grip on your hands, reassuring you that it's okay. You weakly smiled and let your hands falter to the side of you. You then walked over to the table and sat down in one of the chairs. Everyone did the same and stayed quiet.

Guards started coming in again with plates of food. One of them sat a tray of food in front of me and lifted the lid off of it. It smelled delicious if I was being honest.

Looking over towards sae byeok, I had not noticed how weak she looked, even in the toilets she was holding her side, and even now. She saw me looking and weakly smiled. I then dropped my fork on purpose and went under the table.

I made my way to sae byeok and looked at her side without her noticing. She was bleeding badly. Did glass cut her? I then crawled back and climbed out from under the table.

We started eating our food, I kept looking at sae byeok as she wasn't eating much. I quickly finished and made my way over to her, I sat down next to her and she stopped eating. "What?" She asked, I then put my hands on the side of her hip. Her eyes widen "how do you know" she asked quickly "I saw under the table." She sighed and sat back in her chair.

I decided to help her eat and started cutting the meat up into small portions. I then stabbed the fork into a small peace and put it near her mouth. She took it in and started chewing. Once she was done she mumbled a quick "thanks" before letting me go back to feeding her.

Once she was done I had to make my way back to my seat. The guards came in once again and cleared the table, leaving knifes on it. I took my knife and walked off to my bed. Everyone did the same, and the guards took the tabled and chairs out. They then shut the lights out, except for the ones near the entrance, so you could still see everyone.

'What did they want us to do with these knife?' I questioned. I then knew what we were supposed to do. We were supposed to kill atleast one person. I looked over to the group that nobody cared about and seen that they had an extra person. Which meant I was gonna hunt down one of them.

And I will.

Hehehehe update number threeee in one dayyyy! How cool is that!? Also, I've been feeling like shit lately. Some kids in my school started to call me emo cause I dyed my front strands red. You can check my post out of the red hair on my Instagram at keisha.Mackie. But it's honestly making me not wanting to come to school. And I don't have a problem with emo people, but it's just kinda rude how when you automatically dye ur hair, ur seen as an emo or sum shit. There's also so much drama and it's making me overwhelmed to the point I'm tired everyday, and feeling like crap. I honestly don't know what the fuck I should do at this point. But other than that I'm proud of who I am. And you should be too. Have a great rest of ur day/night/evening guys! follow me on Insta and message me there too if you want to talk! I'm always free to chill☺️

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