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"Nothing! It was just some friends over" I lied, he just nodded and realised that it was only us "did the others leave?" "Yea...we just all need a break" I mumbled, but he heard.

He walked off into the kitchen, pouring what sounded like cereal. He then walked back out and sat down next to me "are we gonna do anything fun today?" He asked stuffing his face. I rolled my eyes "don't talk with your mouth full! And yes, we're going shopping for clothes and decorations for our room!" I said excitedly, he smiled and started speaking again with his mouth still full.

"Yahhh! I said don't speak with your mouth full!" I slapped his arm and he giggled. Gosh kids these day, always so annoying.

"Okay we'll once you're finished get ready and jump in the car, alright?" I asked standing up and walking away. I heard a faint "yes" and carried on up the stairs into my room.

I was changing my close and couldn't decide on what to wear, it was either all black or black and white. Welp I just decided all black since I'm cool like that. After changing into black clothes and putting on some white converses, I made my way down the stairs and out the door.

Lui was in the passenger seat and beeping the horn at me "get in loser! We're going shopping!" He yelled out, posing as if he was a rich kid "oh god. These movies be teaching some random as shit" I said to myself as I made my way over to the car. I started the engine and we headed off to the mall centre.


"Y/n! I want these LED lights!" I grabbed them, and threw them into the shopping cart "HEY! Be careful, I might not even get a chance to see them light up" he said and kissed the package. I was mortified, what the fuck is this kid on?

After like an hour I was getting bored so we decided to take a break and grab some sushi. All while this happened I felt like we were being watched. I got the feeling ever since we arrived here. I'm just overthinking, that's all. Right?

No ones pov

"Shit! Be careful! She might catch us" "no shit! There's about 100+ people just around the corner looking at ONE girl and a little boy. Totally not suspicious" there was a loud smack noise right after and it went silent as y/n looked over to where the sound came from "ohhhh! She nearly caught us!" "Just shut up sang woo!" Saebyeok said as she rolled her eyes and then looked towards y/n.

She was busy looking at lingerie which made them blush. "She should go for the red one" Gi hun blurted out. The others glared at him "I think she should go for black, since it's her favourite colour guessing by what she's wearing" Ji yeong exclaimed and drooled over the image of you wearing black "but red brings out the Fierce and sexy side of a woman. Bet you she got more than that" Gi hun once again blurted out while smirking.

"I'm sorry, but don't you have a child?" Mi nyeo eyed up Gi hun, he gulped and went ti say something but was cut short "she's on the move! And she brought black, sorry Gi hun" he internally cried at that statement, but they carried on stalking you.

Y/n pov

I was going to the decoration store with my brother when the in come started playing 'Somebody is watching' it kinda scared me as I did think somebody was or maybe even more.

"I'm just an average man, with an average life, I work from 9 to 5 hey hell I pay the price. All I want is to be left alone, in my average home. But why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone and. I always feel like somebody's watching me, and I have no privacy, I always feel like somebody's watching me, tell me is it just a dream"

Oh hell no! I grabbed Luis hand and started dragging him away with me, but then I got a glimpse of, Ali? Or was it the front man? No that looked like a group of people, maybe just teenagers. Yeah, teenagers. I mentally cursed myself to relax and that it's probably nothing.

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