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It had been 40 minutes since the incident that had played out before. I was starting to lose my energy to stay awake and gi hun saw as I was in the passenger seat next to him.

"Hey." He said and side glanced at me "yeah?.." I asked sleepily. I started yawning "go to sleep! Tomorrow will be a big day" he said smiling softly. I nodded my head slowly and rubbed my eyes. Putting my head back I started to drift of into darkness.


"Y/n? Y/n! Wake upppp! We're here!" I jolted awake and saw Gi hun in my face. I felt his breath hit my lips. "Oh you're awake now!" He said leaning backwards, grinning he took your hands and pulled out out of the car.

You groggily started to stretch, trying to awake your physical side. Even though you were sporty you still never really felt motivated to do things that much. "Y/n! Can you come help me take the bags?" I turned to see Min nyeo at the trunk, waving her hands around to tell me ti get other there.

I walked over and helped her pick up the heavy bags first. I swear who the hell needs so much clothes. We carried the bags one by one and placed them in front of the door. "I guess that's it" Min nyeo said while panting. I laughed at her as it was funny to see her like this.

"Yep" I then walked to the car and grabbed the house keys out of the little box. Walking back the others where already waiting with their stuff in hand. "Let's get inside, we need to get to the receptionist and tell them we are residents" I said pushing past them.

We walked inside and moved towards the place that said office. There was a lady who had black slick hair and was chewing bubble gum. Coughing to get her attention, her green eyes looked at me "yes?" She asked in a high pitched voice. She then looked at the guys and smirked.

She then winked at them, but they just looked at her disgusting. But she didn't notice obviously. "We are residents here. For the top floor" her eyes immediately snapped towards me "hahah you do realise that it cost allot of money right?" She didn't believe me so I pulled out my credit card "hurry I need to pay my first bill." She looked at me shocked.


After dealing with that office lady we got to our complex. Opening the door everyone was in awe. "Wow this place is beautiful" I only nodded in agreement too engaged with the beauty of this place.

"Well I know I'm getting the room at top! Since I brought this place" you only got this place cause it had enough rooms for everyone to stay in. But also because the top room had a walk in closet, own bathroom. And a game room. But you had to place clothes and games into those parts of the room.

After everyone settled in and got comfy. We sat together and started watching horror movies. But I had fallen asleep again since I was still exhausted.

Sae byeok pov

I looked at y/n sleeping form, Snuggled all up next to jun ho and sang woo. Those two, lucky bastards! I swear I never get anytime with her! It's frustrating. The only time we did was in the games. But of course they had to take a liking to her and try and be with her 24/7. I mean I don't blame them.

I got up and walked over to the three "I'm taking her to bed" the two boys looked at each other and then back at me "forget it. I don't need permission from you two" I said and picked y/n up bridle style. The two just stared at me blankly. Rolling my eyes I took small steps towards the stairs, carful to not trip and fall down them.

I reached the last step and stumbled forward. "Ahh..thank for it wasn't backwards" I whispered to myself. I then walked toward y/n bed and laid her down. Starting to take off her clothes I seen her smooth body. It was beautiful. No matter what her body looked like it was beautiful in my eyes.

I then put the covers over her warm body, trying not to make her cold from the new material. I then kissed her forehead and walked back downstairs.

We then continued to watch horror movies.

V.I.P povs

"So are you gonna bring her back or what?!" The old guy the tried hitting on y/n asked impatiently "yes. I'm working on it." The front man said trying not to lose his temper at the workers failing attempt at getting you.

"Well HURRY UP!" He yelled. The front man slammed his fists down into the table and quickly turned around. Grabbing the guys throat and pushing him up against the wall "shut up you fat fuck. Now you listen here. I don't want you or the others to touch her with your filthy hands. Or even say anything dirty. You got it?" The front man said his face close up towards the guy. "Y-yes! I'm sorry" he quickly said but stuttering along the way.

"Good. Now." He said and turned back around "I'll be stepping in instead." He said walking around the room and grabbing his coat. "GUARDS! You're all coming with me! We are getting y/n! Now hurry!"

They then walked out of the place and I turned around to the guy who got chocked "man you alright?" "Yea he needs to calm down" he said filling up his wine glass. I sighed and looked at the tv screen. Watching as the front man started leaving the place.

No ones pov

It was silent at y/n place. The lights were dim and there was no noise. Not until there was a loud bang followed with glass breaking

"I know you're all in there! Now get out her and give y/n!"

Hey hey heyyyyyy! Even more if my friends found my books/account. And I'm embarrassed. Bruh this is why I don't write smut😂 I ain't letting them tease me! But anyways have a great day/evening/night xxxx

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