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Before we start the last chapter, I just want to say thank you all for supporting me on my journey on writing this story, it means so much! I couldn't ask for anything more bless full. I don't know if the ending is really a plot twist but you tell me how you like the ending.

!This is we're you will vote for the next book I write!
1. My Name
2. Strangers from hell
3. Penthouse
4. Midnight
Kpop idols
1. BTS
4. GOT7
5. EXO
1. Freddy Krueger
2. Jason vorhees
3. Michael myers
4. Chucky
5. Brahms
6. ghost face
7. Hannibal lector
8. Bubba sawyer
1. Fairy tail
2. AOT
3. Demon slayer
4. Black butler

You can obviously suggest more tiger than the ones I put! But yeah!
Now onto the chapter!!!

Y/n pov

We were sitting in a beautiful fancy restaurant, the room was mainly red, laced with white. "Woah this place is beautiful" I said in awe "really is isn't it?" Ali said also agreeing, you just nodded your head.

The others admired your features, too mesmerised by you to answer or talk. Just then the waiter came up to us, he was wearing a tight tuxedo to bring out his muscles and his body shape. "Hello, are you guys ready to order?" He asked politely "yes!" I exclaimed while grabbing the menu again. "Could I get a salad, chips and beef burger" I asked pointing to every meal I had said.

He nodded his head and took the others orders as well "wow! There's so many of yous! Is this like a meeting?" The waiter asked really surprised "no actually a date. We're all dating this lovely lady right here" Ali stated and kissed your cheek making you blush a shade of crimson red.

The waiters eyes went wide "o-oh wow! I've never seen...so many in a....relationship before" he said astonished. We laughed at him for being in so much shock. But he got himself together and spoke "well I'll be off now, enjoy your meals win their delivered!" We waved him good bye, and turned back to each other.

We were all chatting until our food came, I seen my burger and my mouth started to water from the sight. As soon as it was in front of me I dug in, not wasting another minute. The others watched me and laughed at how hungry I was.

"So what do you do for a living?" Mi nyeo asked me "I actually do YouTube! I have 1Million subs, not that famous but it's decent!" I exclaimed happily. I was grateful for my followers, they always support me no matter what.

"That sounds so cool! Will you upload another soon?" Ali asked "hell yeah! Can't leave them hanging now can I?" He laughed and nodded his head, I took another bite of my burger, the meat literally melting in my mouth.


We were all finished and the front man paid half while the others gave some of their money too. They wouldn't let me pay because I'm the one they took out. Doesn't make sense to me, but I just let them.

"Ok let's get going shall we?" One of the guards asked as they took me by my hand and lead me out the door "of course!" He smiled at me, and the others followed behind us. We were all walking down the street, the cold breeze nice and chilly.

I then heard some glass break down the alleyway next to me. I stopped and stared but couldn't see anything since it was pitch black. "Hey you guys go along I'm just gonna tie up my shoe lace" they said ok but was watching from afar.

You then waited for them to turn the corner and when they did you went into the alleyway, and pulled out your phone. Swiping up you clicked flashlight and now you could see. "Gee this place is so creepy" I whispered, and hugged myself from the coldness.

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