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"Sang woo?" I asked. We were now sitting down. I had sat on sang woos lap, because of my fear of heights. "Yea?" "Do you think we will win?" His grip on me tightened "of course. I'm not letting you or the others die today, and that goes for the rest of the games" he spoke with a gentle voice.

"I'm still mad about what you did to me before all of this" I said while slightly laughing "yea sorry about that. I know I was a dick, but I freaked out because I needed the money soon so I wouldn't get killed by another man" he said explaining the situation. I nodded and continued "fine I forgive you because you were always nice to me." He smiled although you couldn't see it, but he was.

That's right, sang woo and you go way back. It started last year, when you two were friends, he gave you money and anything you needed, until he was in depth of his own company, which started this year. He was still so kind to you and you kept paying off the money little bucks little. But as soon as he got a death threat he needed the money and quickly. So he had took it out on you. Which explains what happened before entering the games.

"Team 4 and 7 please make your way up to the platform." The square guard said. I watched as those two teams made their way up. They were shackled to the rope, making sure they couldn't escape.

The triangle mask then waved a flag, signaling for the two teams to tug for their own life's.

They then start pulling, the rope tightens and starts to get dragged by both teams. Team 4 had the upper hand as it was full of men, team 7 had 4 girls and the rest boys, so you can easily see what team was gonna win. One of the girls then fell to the ground, making their whole team lose grip. They started getting dragged to the edge of the platform, their yells were heard by the ones at the other end, and by the spectators who were soon to play.

Suddenly team 7 all fell off of the platform, their dangling bodies moving around. "Please! I don't want to die!" "AHHHHHH! NOO!" They screamed. Then this sharp blade suddenly dropped down on the rope, cutting it in half. They all fell while yelling to the very end of their deaths. The other team fell backwards, gasping for air.

They then started taking the lift back down. "Team 6 and team 2 please make your way up to the platform" we stood up, and looked to our side, all men. We had 4 girls and 6 boys. The same as team 7. I started getting nervous. My breath uneasy, my vision started to blur as tears started to form. 'Was I really gonna die just like team 7' I asked myself. I felt a hand connect with my very own. I looked up and saw sang woo "hey, everything's gonna be okay! We'll win, I promise" he squeezed my hand confirming his statement. I nodded and looked forward, walking past team 4. They smirked at us "ahhhh...sad we won't see you again y/n, everyone's gonna be in tears ahaha" he said smugly while running his finger down from underneath his left eye.

Sang woo let go of my hand, and "accidentally" tripped, and hit the guy off of the platform. The square guard quickly made his way over, while the guy who got knocked off started screaming until he hit the cold rock floor "what happen!?" The guard asked picking sang woo up off of the floor "he tripped, sorry" I said quietly speaking "god. The rest of team 4 keep walking. And you. You make sure you don't pull a stunt like that again, I'm not stupid" he said and sang woo just rolled his eyes.

The guard left us, and we started to make our way back up to the platform. We were all in the elevator the quiet being deadly silent. "We're...we're gonna die aren't we?" I asked quietly. The old man looked over and started speaking "back when I was a kid we always use to win this game, so listen carefully" he then started to explain what we needed to do in order to win.


We were currently being strapped to the rope, it was my turn to get strapped but the guard had skipped me. 'Wtf' I shook it off and got ready to pull. The flag waved around. We went along with our plan and leaned back as far as possible, holding our ground. It was a 1 minute or so when gi hun yelled "PULL NOW!" We then started pulling, which made the other team come forward, but they had quickly regained their composure and started pulling again. We tried pulling again but the other team was stronger. We started slipping forward "oh my god! We're gonna die!!" Mi nyeo yelled, my heart dropped at the fear of dying, starting to tear up I closed my eyes shut. Then Sang woo shouted "I know this is gonna sound crazy but" he was cut off by Mi nyeo "just hurry up!!" "Ok when I count up to three I want you to take three steps forward!" He yelled, his breath harsh. "Are you crazy!? Do you want us to die!?" Mi nyeo shouted at him from behind "JUST LISTEN TO HIM!" SAR byeok yelled at her, "ok! 1..." my grip on the rope tightened "2..." looking down the side to see the ground I snapped my head back to the front and was preparing for the worst "3!!!" We took 3 steps forward and then stopped, the other team fell backwards onto the floor, and gi hun was now leaning over the edge "PULL!" We all did what sang woo asked. Gi hun got back onto his feet, and started helping us out, the other team was trying to stop us but failed miserably.

As soon as they fell off the platform, we were yanked forward, and tried to stop ourselves from going over the edge too. The rope was then cut with a slam, and we all fell backwards on the floor. Hard breathing could be heard from all over, as the others were getting their handcuffs taken off of them.


We were in the elevator, it was quiet, except for that damn guy who kept praying. "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" I yelled, everyone looked at me "we survived because they sacrificed themselves for us!" He yelled back "No! We survived because of that old man, and sang woo. Without them we could've died you bastard! And yet, here you are praying to god!?" He then got angry and went back to praying "please forgive us for our sins today" I then got up and walked over to him "do you really think he cares!? Ok if he does, then why don't I pray?!" I then put my hands together and started praying "dear lord, I did some terrible things in my life, even today. I just killed people to save my own self. I also fucked my p.e and English teacher while in high school" sae byeok then hit my arm "shut up the both of you." She then closed her eyes again.

I rolled my eyes. "You fucked your teachers?" Ali asked in a surprised tone "why yes I did!" I said proudly "NO! You're supposed to be a virgin!" Sang woo yelled. Gi hun yelled the same words but a little different "geee! Calm down! I was joking!" I said holding my hands up in surrender. They both realised they said that out loud and then went back to be silent 'these guys just keep getting weirder and weirder by the minute'

Hahahahaha! I updateddddd! Damnn I'm so cool 😎 anyways cyaaaa my squid kids!!!!

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