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I quickly stood up, grabbing onto Mi nyeo. "Quick we need to stay near the back" I said pulling her with me.

Suddenly I was hit in the head, blood started to drip down, turning around I seen a man '027' he walked closer to me "you! Why are you so special?! Huh! Everyone here keeps gawking at you. You're a nobody, anyone who says differently are stupid and blind" he yelled his face was hard to see since the lights were flickering off and on. But I noticed he looked a bit skinny and weak.

"Hah. Haha. AHAHAHAAhahah!!!...." He looked at me confusedly but kept walking closer, each step getting louder. "I'm sorry mommy and daddy didn't love you enough...oh wait. That's right. You don't have any!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!" I was now hunched over laughing. I took note when the guards had first exposed people and their background.

".....FUCKING BITCH! ILL RIP YOUR THROAT OUT AND USE YOUR BLOOD TO PAINT SOME ART!" He screamed while charging at me, I just stood there, my eyes turning dull.

Just as he was about to hit me and kill me Sae byeok tan in front of me, throwing her knife right into the mans head. She then turned around trying to catch her breath "what the HELL! You could've died just then!" She was pissed. "What? I was just waiting til he got a bit closer" I shrugged "oh yea, you know, "im just gonna wait until he kills me and then attack him" really?" She said sarcastically. I laughed a bit until she slapped my head. "Stop laughing you idiot!" She yelled and dragged me and Mi nyeo away to the back of the room.

"I could've saved her" Mi nyeo mumbled quietly "what was that?" Sae byeok said eyeing Mi nyeo up. Mi nyeo just ignored her, looking at the ground and then back up to the people killing.

"Omg! Deok su!" I yelled he looked over, a body just below him. Guessing he was attacking/killing the person "hit him harder!!! You weak ass!" He flipped you off as you laughed.

"PLEASE! STOP IM SCARED! EVERYONE WILL DIE" I looked up spotting the old man on top of a bunk bed. Suddenly the lights turned on, as the pink guards started rushing in.

I stood up and walked out of the hiding place me, Mi nyeo, and saw byeok were. I had walked to the middle, seeing blood everywhere and many dead bodies. Suddenly a circle mask went up to Gi hun and pulled him a side. I walked closer to hear what was happening "Gi hun, it's me, the detective Jun ho, I snuck in to find my brother, have you seen him?" He asked and Gi hun only shook his head no with a quick "sorry"

The guard/Jun ho started looking around, his eyes suddenly landed on you. You quickly looked away, and started walking until he called you over to him "number 069" (oh I forgot to address this issue. I had totally forgotten I numbered you guys as 069, so from now on you will not be 457, again I apologise!) I turned around and faced him "Come with me over here" I sighed and made my way over to him, he took my hand and led me away from everybody, the guards didn't care as they basically all have a liking or should I say obsession over you.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" I asked nervously "no. I'm not with the guards. I'm a detective. Just call me Jun ho when we are alone together" he spoke quietly "ohhh ok. I already know as I listened to yours and Gi guns conversation" he only nodded his head. It was awkward, very awkward.

He then took a step forward towards you, closing the gap between you two. Your breathing hitched as he wrapped an arm around your waist. Your hands holding onto his shoulders for support "You thought you could get away with what you did back there?" Your faced turned into a confused one "you really forgot? Let me refresh it for you" he suddenly and quickly pushed you against the wall, his knee in between your legs, making sure you couldn't escape.

"Like I said. You're not supposed to touch the guards unless they touch you" he said his head near your neck, you could feel his breath against your cheek and neck, making a hot blush quickly form on your face. He then leaned away, and lifted his mask a little bit. You gasp as you see his full face, and only you could see, everybody else was too busy being in shock. He then leaned forward and kissed your lips, and no it wasn't a peck, it was a full on passionate kiss, one which means 'you belong to me, and only me' you slightly kissed back, not knowing what to do, or say.

You were just as shocked as everybody else was at how many people died, yet you were shocked by the kiss.

He then pulled away and smirked, bring his mask down, he pulled you off the wall and led you back to everyone else. Your hands were connected, people started to stare, a lot being glares, and the rest casual. Maybe not too casual as the guards seemed to be suspicious at what happened.

He turned around and looked at you one last time, and then walked off with the other guards.

Wowwwieee! You finally got your first kiss, and it was with Jun ho!!!!! Amazinggggg! Anyways! This is a late update and I apologiseeeee! Tmr I start high school once again! And I got a damn maths test, then a monologue test, then finally my English test which is spoken word poetry. Goddamn it! Aight have a lovely rest of your day/night/evening xxxx

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