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Guys! I am so sorry for not updating I was out with friends! If you could, it would mean so much if u liked my recent on insta and if u want comment! My acc is @keisha.Mackie now I sound very desperate! But if u want we can also talk and become best of friends on there!!!


Groaning, I got up and stretched. I seen sae byeok staring at me and then smile, smiling back I headed over to her "you ready?" I asked while cheekily grinning "yea! Now that we know what the games are, we can form a stronger team than most" "you're right, although we have to be focused too! We don't wanna be all cocky and then BOOM! We're dead meat" she laughed and nodded.

She took my hand and led me down the stairs meeting the others. "How did you guys sleep?" Ali asked us "actually I was enjoying my sleep til that damn music woke me up" I said huffing. They started laughing, sang woo just chuckled which surprised me. I looked over at him and he smiled at me, looking away I crossed my arms. He noticed and stopped smiling.

"Everyone please follow the staff to the next game" the intercom said. Following the staff I was in my thoughts 'why does he automatically think we're friends?' I asked myself 'sang woo, you are a confusing man' I was nudged on my side, looking to my right I seen a circle masked guard. "What?" I whispered "You are not supposed to be touching the guards unless you are being touched by THEM" he said, I rolled my eyes. I looked around 'good thing I'm at the back' I quickly pushed him against the wall, him stumbling a little "what the- hey what are you doing" he asked as I put my hands on his chest. "Are you jealous it wasn't you I was touching" he didn't say anything, guessing he was too shocked to talk. Giggling I kissed his mask, and started to walk off "are you gonna hurry up?" I said looking over my shoulder at him. He started following me.


We were in a playground, swings, slide, monkey bars, everything. "Please line up at the shape of your choice" I went to triangle as it was the most easiest shape to carve out. The others followed me. Suddenly the doors in front of us opened revealing people with tins. I was now at the front ready to get my shape, as I grabbed mine I opened it, but it was already carved out. 'What the?' Did they do this?

As soon as the timer started I sat down and just looked at everyone, I seen Mi nyeo under the slide with a needle and lighter, walking up to her I screamed "BOOOO!" She jumped back "WTF! Oh my god, my old heart. Jesus y/n are you trying to kill me!?" She sweat dropped. I fell to the ground laughing my ass off "dude! You should've seen...seen your face ahahaha!" She glared at me "you were like 'omg! MYYyyyyY OoLlddf hEARttTt' aahaha" I mocked, she slapped my arm "yea yea" she said rolling her eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be working on your one?" She asked "nope! I finished mine already" I said holding up my triangle "how!? How did you finish so fast!?" She said moving closer to me, leaning in I whispered "it was already carved out. I don't know why though?" She sat back thinking. "Tsk. Damn guards" she said glaring at a triangle.

"It's alright you got a needle and lighter" I said wiggling my eye brows "yea but that's still risky" she said. "Oh well...anywayssss! CYA BACK IN THE MAIN ROOM" she jumped once again as I started walking off "damn you y/n! Stop scaring me like that" she yelled "hehehe"

I walked up to the triangle guard and gave him my honey comb. He nodded and lead me back to the main room "player 457 pass" everyone was shocked as there was still 8 minutes left to complete the shapes.


After the game everyone was coming back. I ran up to Gi-hun and hugged him. "You survived!" I said happily, "Of course! I didn't want to die too early" I laughed and shook my head at his comment. Suddenly the guards came in with our food, we did the usual and lined up. I was now in the front and grabbed my food 'really egg, and soda?' I frowned. One of the circle guards stopped me and gave me another egg. I thanked him and walked off, gi hun called me over and I quickly ran to him "gi hun! The guards gave me an extra egg!" I said while showing two eggs. "Oh! Well at least you get to eat more! You need to stay healthy" he said while smiling at me.

I sat down and looked at the second egg. Suddenly I heard yelling "what the hell! There's no more!" A man yelled "sir we made sure that there was enough for everyone" the guard said "well there's two of us that didn't get any" he yelled back. I walked up to him and the girl and held out my hand. They looked at me and to the two eggs. "Why are you giving us your food?" The guy asked while being confused "I'm not hungry, and you two are" I said blankly. He took the two eggs, giving one to the other girl. It was so silent, everyone watching. The guy them came up to me and hugged me "thank you so much!" I hugged back and smiled at him "no problem yeah?" He nodded. The girl bowed to me, which I just grabbed her and hugged. She blushed but hugged back too.

After that the guard came up to me "player 457 follow me" I nodded and started following him. We stopped right outside the main room. "Here" he said while giving me an egg "I thought you said there wasn't enough?" I questioned "doesn't matter, tonight you need to stay safe. Everyone will try and kill" I nodded my head as he let me back into the main room.

I stopped, my eyes were wide. Blood. From that dude who I had given food too, was now dead on the floor. "Fucking idiot thought he could try and take my drink" I looked up and seen deok su mad. I mean if that guy just tried to steal a drink from another person what do you expect. I gave him food and that wasn't enough. But what surprised me the most was that the guards didn't stop it. 'Tonight's a free for all' I thought.

"Hey y/n!" I looked at deok su and walked over to him "wanna stay with us for the night? I can tell tonight is different" I nodded my head and smirked. Mi nyeo was with us too. "Omg! Y/n let's go have some women conversations!" She squealed. I giggled and followed her.

After about 10 minutes the lights went out. Then a scream.

I really hope this is still good! As I rushed this chapter! I rushed because I hung out with friends like I said at the start❤️ luv u guysss!!!😘😘😘

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