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Ok! I just wanna say, I LOVE U GUYS SM! You all are so funny, kind and supportive of me! It boosts my confidence 10x more! Ugh! Damn why are there better people on here than at my high school🥲 y'all are bloody awesome xxxx


"Shits about to go downnn but pretend it goes like this

Y/N: Jun-ho, we're a family-.
Jun-ho- ..what?
Y/N: We're a family WE'RE A FAMILY-"


Thank u for the idea xxx


I turned around and seen Sae-byeok, Gi hun, Mi nyeo, Ji young, Deok su, Ali, and Sang woo. I quickly turned back around and faced Jun go, his expression clearly showing he was annoyed. "Jun ho! We're a family!" He looked at me confusedly "what-" "We're a family, A FAMILY GODDAMN IT!" He quickly nodded and smirked "woah! Didn't know we had a child" he winked, I rolled my eyes and frantically turned back around seeing them all walk towards us.

"What's going on here?" Deok su asked, venom laced in his voice as he eyed up Jun ho "oh we're-" I was cut mid sentence by an impatient Jun ho "we're a FAMILY. This is our kid Hwang Lui" he said gesturing to my little brother "wha-" I nudged Lui in the side and he shut up and smiled at them "hi! You must be my mom and dads friends?!" He said cheerfully, thank god he was a better actor than me.

There was awkward silence. I seen sae byeok eyes furiously look at me and she took a step forward, and yanked me to stand up by the arm. Doing so Jun ho also stood up and took a step towards my side and eyed her up. She looked at him and got close up in his face "You can seriously fuck off if you think I believe this bullshit you're trying to pull! What did you brain wash her too?" She snarled out. He didn't get time to roast her ass, as she turned to me next.

"And YOU! I suggest next time you think of a better excuse to not talk to us. Did you forget that we both talked about our family's? The night we sat together?" She said her face literally close to mine, my breath hitched in the back of my throat. As if all my confidence that was once there had been taken away, I looked down in shame.

"I uh...I'm sorry....I just wanted to live my life in peace without anyone trying to kill me after what happened in those games" I started, I had tears in my eyes, and tried to use all my strength to not let them fall, but to my dismay they feel. "I didn't want to face any of you. I was going to leave to Paris so I could start a new fresh life with my brother" I finished. She loosened her grip on my arm, her once scrunched up glare, was now saddened and regret written all over the place.

"I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, I shouldn't of have gotten mad. I just didn't know why you tried to lie to us" she confessed, obviously finding the ground more interesting than me. I engulfed her in a hug and rubbed her head.

"Hey it alright ahaha! I guess I was just scared ya know!" We both giggled, we were interrupted by everyone else  "ok well where's our hugs?" Sang woo asked and crossed his arms. I then let out a small laugh and started to hug every single one of them. When I hugged sang woo though, his hand slightly gazed across my butt, and I blushed hard.

I was yanked by Jun ho cause he obviously seen what sang woo pulled and glared at him. "I'm pretty sure a normal hug doesn't involve touching someone's ass" Jun ho remarked. Sang woo didn't take this well and glared right back at him "at least I can make her blush from touching her in the right places" sang woo smirked, but his smirk quickly fell to the ground with Jun hos next statement.

"Wait til you hear about how I made her cum" My eyes quickly shot wide open as I covered Jun hos mouth. Yuh Um this is not what I planned. Everyone looked pissed all over again, while Jun ho stood there with a smug smirk, his posture straight showing his bravery and ego.

Sang woo took a deep breath in "oh. OH! So that's who fucked you y/n" I nervously chuckled and smiled innocently "nooooo! I don't know what he's talking about" I said waving my hands around "it's alright y/n! Just tell them! That I made you squirt everywhere hmmmm" he said and looked down at me. My face was red, redder than Erza scarlets hair (y'all fairy tail fans should know😘😏)

My little brother who was literally getting ear rapped by these adult words, was sitting there and sipping some tea. Bet you he was enjoying this, why not just get you some popcorn too Lui.

"I....it was one time!" They all looked at me and then back at Jun ho whose obviously very proud.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Deok su yelled while running up towards Jun ho, his fist high in the air. It soon collided with Jun hos side cheek, knocking him to the ground with a thud.

"MY HANDSOME FACE!" He yelled and screamed. I rolled my eyes "what a drama king" this boi.

Sorry this chapter is short!!! Just very tired lol! But hope u liked this chapter and look forward to the next xxx

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