shameless pt. I

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I'm sooooo happy to see that y'all are liking it so farrr💋

! Many twists and turns ahead ! can't say I didn't warn ya hehehehe

But after months of contemplation, I finally decided that the face of Sidra Jones be my good sis Ryan Destiny bc she's one of the most beautiful women I've eva seen in mah life, sweet Jesus

! photo attached above for reference !

Anyways, don't be scared to vote, comment and shareee💋 it's making me want to update twice a week, y'all better stop playin with me 😌


Sidra tried her hardest to let her guard down around Abel, but ever since Terrance helped her come to the revelation that he was most likely using his own dog to help him get away with a crime, she's been nothing but observant of his actions around her.

While the young agent's actions were guarded, the older man's focus was entirely on the week ahead. He first started to make sure Caesar knew exactly what she smelled like. Doing that wasn't hard seeing as Caesar was naturally friendly. But training him to know what parchment paper and manila folders smelled like was a different story.

The phone call he got at the beginning of the week notified him that his unsigned documents were coming in by mail in the following week, so he had to make sure Caesar knew exactly what he was guarding and who he was guarding it against. He was a smart dog, so he was sure he would catch on.

That didn't stop Sidra from noticing how guarded the dog seemed every time she got up or moved without Abel next to her. Even when she fooled around with him, the dog's eyes were never far from her.

She tried her best not to notice, but it started to make her feel uncomfortable. This feeling just verified that he was brought there to protect something. Something important that she wasn't able to get at because his dog would be right there ready for her to slip up.

She managed to make sense of the fact that whatever he brought Caesar here to guard her against wasn't going to be here for that long. If he was hiding evidence in his house, constantly having her around would make him nervous. But he seemed like he's been nothing but calm since Caesar got arrived. The young agent decided that no thief that actually wanted to get away with something would keep two opposing issues under the same roof.

That ultimately meant that whatever he was hiding wasn't going to stay there for long if she was always at his place. As much as she wanted them to fool around at her place, she had to keep finding ways for him to invite her over, that way, the days that she wasn't under him meant those were probably the times he would try to get away with whatever he was hiding.

All these thoughts ran through the young agent's head as Abel kissed down her bare chest slowly. They were holed up in her room on a Saturday morning, enjoying each other's free time as they playfully initiated sex. To say they were tired of each other was far from the truth. If anything, they were under each other even more since Terrance sparked a new angle for her, and he acquired the tracking on his documents that were on their way.

Their ulterior motives made them nervous and on edge, but not nervous enough to not want to see each other. He was more cautious of her body, being careful not to do anything that would turn her off from him. He needed her attention on him now more than ever. With that thought, he gently took her breast into his mouth, sucking as he watched her reactions to him.

Her head fell back slowly, her insides heating up at his overly sensual touch. If she wasn't so deprived of sexual contact, she would've noticed how careful he was being. He preferred to watch her whenever they had sex, but he was unnecessarily guarded as he played with her other nipple between his fingers gently.

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