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"So this is your office." Sidra announced as she walked through the artist's double doors. She looked around at the organized space that was furnished to look completely different from the rest of his place. She realized that as soon as she took in the numerous cameras around the room. She scoffed at the "corporate" energy the space gave her.

"Yeah. I'm sure your records that you have for me told you that I'm the founder of my own record label, so I conduct most of my business calls and decisions from here." Abel explained and she nodded in understanding.

"So what I'm here for is considered business?" She asked curiously, watching as he turned to face her. He looked down at her and smiled a little before licking his lips.

"Not exactly." He answered, pulling her closer to him by the waist. She shook her head as she focused her eyes on any possible incriminations around the office. If there was any evidence that he was apart of the robbery, she was sure it would be in this room. She had no doubts that this was where she would get a better hold of her spiraling investigation.

"Then what are we doing in here?" She asked innocently, trying to look anywhere but up at the celebrity. His smile deepened as he looked down at her. She had changed her hair to thick braids and he could see her facial definition more as her eyes darted around the room. He would've realized that she was acting off if he wasn't so caught up in her new hairstyle and how comfortable she was with him grabbing her.

But all he noticed was her not wanting to keep eye contact with him.

"Signing that contract so I can make sure you don't tell people about how I fuck you up for leaving me the other night." He repeated evilly. Sidra's eyes finally locked with his and she finally saw the older man for who he was. He enjoyed having power over things and people. If he wasn't already like this before he became wildly famous, it got accentuated after he started making money. She smirked at the realization, looking up at him.

She would be lying if she said she wasn't attracted to the arrogance that he masks as confidence, but what he decided to do because of his greed was the only reason she was here trying to investigate him as she stood in his arms.

"I'm really tryna figure out if I should be taking these threats seriously..." She asked, trying to keep his intense stare as he leaned against his desk while holding her. She was determined to stall him as long as she could before he actually made her sign the papers.

"Oh, so the other night wasn't enough proof?" Abel said ironically and she scoffed, biting her lip and shaking her head as she tried to hide her growing smile. Her heart was racing as she looked up at him, hoping she was brave enough to indulge in her personal needs while trying to evade him. After all, she was gaining more access to where he does his business dealings.

"It was more than enough, thank you." She said back and he nodded sarcastically before reaching his big hands up to her new braids.

"Sounds like you're being scary again. You did come all the way here to sign these papers, so you can't be that scared." He reminded and she cursed internally. She was forgetting that he was just as stubborn as her. Only he didn't have an investigation to manage.

She kept quiet as he balanced his gaze between her lips and her eyes. He ran his hand through her braids and she winced a little at the tight feeling but ignored it as he smiled at her.

"I like your hair." He complimented, moving her braids out of her face. Sidra smiled back at him shyly and looked down only to have him lift her chin.

"Thank y–" She started only to be cut off by his lips against hers suddenly. Her eyes widened at the unexpected kiss before relaxing instantly and kissing him back.

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