Manner of Death - M and Oat Part 1

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If anyone is like me and noticed the little connection at the end with these two then this story is for you


I stood at the food stand waiting for my order. The grilled pork sticks seemed to be Oat's favourite. Ever since he saved my life I've been bringing him food when I can. My mind went back to that night, after I had been shot and when Gun had tried to turn off my air.


I could feel and hear him gloating over me, thinking he had won. I heard a wheel turn and then a hiss. I wasn't sure what was wrong at first until it became hard to breathe.

"What are you doing?" I heard Oat call out.

Soon after, I felt the air return and then his hand on my wrist then forehead.

"He's gone Inspector, are you ok?" he whispered fairly close to me.

I was still too weak but I managed a slight nod, telling him I was ok.


"Inspector! Inspector?"

I was startled out of my memory by the owner of the cart as she held out my order. Quickly, I bowed as an apology and thanked her for the bag.

Oat was at the hospital, as usual, he had just finished talking with a nurse when I walked up. She blushed at me as I approached them which made me roll my eyes. The nurse had been about to leave until she saw me walking up.

"Oh! Inspector M, you're back again. Are you here for a check-up? I can see to you, I'm single, I mean free at the moment," she flirted but I didn't pay her any notice as I held the bag out towards Oat.

"For me?" she asked, reaching for it, undisturbed by my silence. "You shouldn't have brought me food to thank me."

I moved the bag back out of her reach and then held it out for Oat again. She looked at him and then the bag before looking back at me.

"Is it for Dr Oat?" she asked.

I nodded as I smiled at him. Oat slowly took the food and bowed. The nurse didn't look pleased until something clicked in her head, or at least that's how it looked.

"Oh! This is to thank him for saving your life when you were shot. He wasn't the only one that saved your life that day you know, we all helped," she pouted at me as Oat started to look uncomfortable.

"I've already thanked Dr Fai, both she and Dr Oat lied to save my life. However, he also stopped Gun from killing me. This is to thank him for that," I told her whilst my eyes stayed glued on him. Though to be honest, with the amount of food I bring, practically every day, I have more than thanked him. This was all I could think of to see him again.

"Were you in the operating room when I asked him to lie to them?" I asked as I finally turned to her.

She bowed her head slightly and shook it.

"Did you help Dr Fai and Dr Oat lie to the Chief and Gun?"

Again, she shook her head.

"Did you alert Dr Oat that Gun was in my room?"

I think she was getting the picture as her shoulders slumped even more and she shook her head for the third time.

"Then what did you do that I need to thank you for?" I asked her.

"I helped keep you clean and dry," she said, her head shot up with a look that said 'that should mean something.'

Oat gave her a strange look.

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