Why R U - Dew and Blue Part 3

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Here is the final part to this pairing. I will be jumping from Dew then Blue's and then back to Dew's POV in different sections.

Warning! lots of smut in this part.


It takes me longer than I care to admit to recover from that little minx. He kisses me like that, asks to spend the night at my condo, then leaves.

It was torture, having him so close. Knowing this time, if I want too, I could reach out and touch him. All night I kept stealing glances at him, at first I thought it was just me until we both caught each other.

When he announces he is leaving, in my head I scream finally! Im about to get up when Champ beats me to it. I dont think, I immediately stop him offering, saying hes coming to mine. I hadnt meant to shout that out so loud. I can see Blue turning a cute shade of red at the teasing Junior and Tan are doing. I decide to spare the little guy and pull him away.

We silently walk up to my condo and inside. A small hallway leads to the kitchen and living space. Another door leads to my bedroom and bathroom. It isnt big but its comfortable.

I have a few plants dotted around and a couple of pictures, but not much else in the way of decorations. Im out most of the time, and when I am home I mainly watch Tv or study.

Blue looks around with a smile. He opens the sliding window and steps out onto my balcony. Im on the sixth floor, which means I have a good view of the city. I leave him to explore as I grab us both a drink.

I opt for water as it probably isnt a good idea to drink right now, plus Im not sure if Blue drinks. He only had that soft drink at the bar.

Blue! I call him as I place two glasses down on the small coffee table next to my sofa. He comes inside and shuts the window.

Youre so lucky to live in a condo, he says with a sigh, as he sits down.

Why dont you move into one? I ask. I almost say he can move in with me but I thankfully stop myself. Weve only just kissed and we havent even talked about it. Calm down!

I want too, but Ma and Pa said that it would be a waste of money as we live close enough to the university, he sounds a little sad.

Well you can always come here if you want too, I say without thinking. Once I realise what I just said I feel myself blush a little. He blushes too and nods. I dont think either of us knew what to say to that.

We both fall quiet, thankfully its not an awkward silence. Blue keeps biting his bottom lip, I dont think hes aware hes doing it or what its doing to me.

My jeans are starting to get painfully tight. I rub my knee against his and clear my throat.

You said we needed to talk, talk about what? I ask, my throat becoming, suddenly, very dry. He nods and sighs a little. He looks like hes debating something in his head before he, eventually, turns to me, a determined look on his face.

I need to get this out and I need you to not interrupt until Im finished, ok? I nod waiting for him to start.

Ok, ok, he starts, I think the second one was more to himself.

First, Im sorry about that day. When you kissed me, I was surprised. I never thought youd like me, especially since you like to bully and tease me. I didnt know how to feel or what to do, nothing like that has happened to me before. That was the first time anyone has kissed me.

I wanted you to stay so we could figure it out, but you looked so hurt and angry. When you shouted that you liked me I just couldnt believe it.

You knew about my feelings for PChamp. Ma helped me realise that the feelings I had for him weren't the same as what I felt for you. I thought that I really liked PChamp, especially since he protected me from you. Ive always known that he only sees me as a younger brother and now I think I only see him as a brother too. With you, I wasnt sure if what I felt was real or if you were just teasing me.

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