Manner of Death - M and Oat Part 3

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Be brave Inspector M, be brave.


I watched Oat leave with a strange look on his face, he almost looked pained. 'He must really hate me!' I thought. Dr Bun then patted my shoulder.

"I know what you're thinking. He doesn't hate you, M," he said as if reading my mind. "I think you both need to sit down and be completely honest with each other. Tell him how you feel, you never know you might be surprised by his response."

I knew he was right, at least about needing to talk to him, but what if he was wrong about the rest. After all, he wasn't fully in his right mind. After work, I went over to his house. Dr Bun had told me he had gone home early, saying he hadn't been feeling well.

I was knocking for a good five minutes before he finally answered the door. His hair looked dishevelled and his eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying. From the way, his eyes widened at the sight of me he hadn't expected to see me.

"Are you ok?" I asked worriedly.

He nodded and wiped his eyes.

"Can I come in?" I asked when he hadn't moved.

Oat stared at me for a time before he shook his head. I sighed, I guess he wasn't going to make this easy.

"Please Oat, let me in," I said softly as I took a step as close to him as I could.

His eyes widened and I had to force myself not to smirk when I saw him take a big gulp. Oat quickly stepped away, almost escaping into his home and I followed.

He busied himself in the kitchen whilst I shut the door and walked through. I took a second to look at the various photos before stopping at the counter. Oat looked like he was doing everything he could to avoid looking at me.

"Oat?" I asked.

He stilled to show he had heard me but that was the only response I got. It had me wondering if he really did hate me.

"I'm sorry Oat," I said softly. "That night I..."

I what? Regretted it? No chance in hell was I saying that. Despite the fact that he wasn't himself, I have never regretted it. Hands down it was the best night I have ever had. The feel of his body, hearing his moans was indescribable.

"It's ok M, I understand. You only slept with me because of what she put in my drink," he said. "I know you didn't mean any of what you said to Nurse Jun earlier. You don't have to worry about me hating you or misreading anything. I promise I won't get the wrong idea and I..."

I didn't give him a chance to finish. I hated how defeated he sounded. Without thinking I grabbed his arm, spun him around and kissed him. I tried to pour everything I felt into that kiss since I was not so good with words.

Eventually, I pulled back after exploring his mouth thoroughly with my tongue. His eyes were hooded, his cheeks were bright pink and his lips looked swollen from my kiss. My cock jerked at the sight.

"No Oat! I didn't sleep with you only because of the drug. That drug made something happen that I have been craving for. You have no idea how hard it was for me, literally, to resist you that night. I wanted it so bad but I wanted it to be because you wanted me just as much as I want you and not because of a drug, making you crazy."

His eyes filled with tears as I stroked his cheek. A stray drop fell down his cheek and I swiped it away.

"You said you didn't want it to happen when I remembered," he asked me after a moment of silence.

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