Oxygen - Kao and Phu Take 2 Part 1

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Kao's POV

"Are you sure about this Kao?"

I turned to smile at my best friend Solo. We'd graduated a month ago and here I was at the airport ready to go to England.

P'Phu had been back to Thailand only a few times, in the past three years, and only for a few days and I missed him like crazy. He video-called four times a week, just like I told him to, but it wasn't enough.

"Yeah, this was always the plan Solo. He lives and works over there, so if I want to be with him I need to be there too," I told him.

"But what are you gonna do for work?" he asked.

"I'll figure that out when I get there," I sighed.

"But ..."

"I know Solo, but I want to be with him and this is the only way. You were willing to run away to be with P'Gui weren't you?"

Solo looked at his boyfriend and smiled. When he turned to me he nodded and patted my shoulder.

"Okay, I understand. I won't try to stop you. Message me when you get there."

I nodded and smiled back whilst shouldering my bag. When it was time for me to board, I hugged him before walking away. Although I was excited, I dreaded the twelve-hour flight ahead of me. After flicking through the entertainment list I felt my eyes starting to drift so I decided to fall asleep.

As I drifted, I started picturing what his reaction would be when I show up. Obviously, I hadn't told him I was coming, I wanted it to be a surprise. Though he knew this was always the plan. His serious face would probably only hold a small smile but to me, it would be huge.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to land in the UK. Please put your seats in the upright position, stow away your trays and fasten your seatbelts."

My stomach began to rumble as I felt the wheels hit the ground. My legs felt like jelly as I exited the plane and made my way through the crowded airport. When I finally emerged, it was late evening and cold. So fucking cold.

"Where do I go from here?" I sighed.

Quickly, I found a taxi and showed them Phu's address. He'd given it to me so I could send him something for his birthday and for Pham's. Luckily, the driver nodded with a smile, my English was passable but I was too nervous to concentrate on saying the right thing.

I stared out at the dark streets and smiled. I'd only even been to England once and that was when I was younger with Jaa. It felt like stepping into another world, one that was dark, wet and freezing.

Now, on my own, it felt different, like I was finally home. I had no idea what I would do here but I knew no matter what, as long as P'Phu was with me, I could do anything.

When the car pulled up those butterflies I had earlier suddenly froze. Phu was standing outside a huge building, next to a fancy-looking car. A beautiful blonde woman was draped over him, her lips to his and his hands on her waist.

"Are you getting out?" the gruff driver asked.

I shook my head and told the driver to drive off.

"Was that your girlfriend? Or boyfriend?" he asked in his thick British accent.

Sadly, I shook my head and took a deep breath.

"No, I mean ... we didn't make it official I guess. I thought we had."

"Long distance thing, eh? Did you talk to each other? Did they know you were coming?" he asked.

"We talked all the time, well when he had free time. I told him before he left I would come to the UK after I graduated. We made a plan. I guess he forgot," I sighed sadly. "I wanted to surprise him so I didn't tell him I was coming."

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