KinnPorsche - Pete and Vegas

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Vegas POV -

Shots echoed around the building as I hid behind a crate of whatever. I honestly had no idea what it was but it was blocking the bullets for now.

"Hey! Come on out Vegas!"

I smirked at how idiotic that sounded. Did he really think I was just going to pop my head out for him to aim at?

Porsche had sent me to deal with the remaining members of the Italian gang. They were causing some problems and we needed to deal with them. I was sent because he knew I wanted to prove myself.

After what my dad did, not many people trusted me. Though the remaining gang members had simply been following orders, just like me, they thought I was like him. I'd scoffed at that and punched the one and only guy who'd dared make the comparison. I was nothing like my father!

"Come on Vegas, playing hide and seek is only fun if we find you!"

'True!' I thought with a smirk.

Quickly checking my gun still had ammunition, I nodded to a few of my men and we all piled out. Guns blasted around me as I picked off each idiot one by one. I only had to hide a couple of times to reload but soon everyone was dead.

One of the men came over panting as he handed me a flash drive. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"This is everything on their computers. Mr Porsche instructed me to get it whilst you dealt with them. I was told to hand this to you to give to him."

I nodded and stared at the flash drive as he left. It wasn't until I was being pushed violently aside that I realised something was wrong. One of the gang members wasn't fully dead, he'd managed to raise his gun and aimed it at me.

The bullet grazed my arm before I could get out of the way and it stung like a bitch. It was nothing compared to before but it still fucking hurt. My men shot him and rushed over to me.

I assured them I was ok and to check everyone was dead before we could go. Once satisfied we left the clean-up crew to sort out the bodies. I headed for the main compound to give over the drive.

Porsche had insisted on getting my wound checked before I left so it meant I got home late. Macau was already asleep and the rest of the house was dark, so I assumed Pete was sleeping as well.

With a sigh, I slumped onto the sofa. Thoughts over the past few months flitted through my mind. When I had taken Pete with me to that house I'd only meant to use him as a pet, something to keep me entertained before I killed him.

I had no intention of getting close to him but after learning about his Pa, and how similar his Pa was to mine. It had, for the first time, made me think someone could understand me. He comforted me and made me think that I wasn't a freak.

After he left I was desperate to see him, to hold him but I didn't want to hurt him. In his eyes, I could see he wanted me just as much as I wanted him but he was scared.

Scared of how good it felt when I tied him up. Scared of loving someone like me who liked to hurt people for pleasure. Then when he called himself my pet, after the attack, I wanted to scream at him. Scream that he was more than that to me.

Thankfully, I got the chance to do that when I was in the hospital. I don't know why he stayed every day, slept next to me, fed me, and ensured Macau was okay. His face lit up when I said he wasn't my pet anymore, but my most important person. I loved the little blush when Macau caught us kissing.

A twinge on my arm had me pulling out of my thoughts. I gripped the space below and sighed. Tonight, I could have lost my life and could have left Pete and Macau alone. That thought startled me. I needed to see them.

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