Oxygen - Kao and Phu Take 2 Part 2

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Phu's POV

I smirked when he raced off to the bathroom. He was always the more forward one but I don't think he expected this. Since we've been together for over three years it only makes sense to share a room, right?

At least that's what my mother said. When she asked about where Kao would live once he came over, at first I had said I would buy him a place to live but she had raved annoyingly about me being a prude or something.

She demanded that, at the least, he should live with us, and if I was not ready when he arrived then he could have his own room. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to wake up with him next to me. To go to sleep with him in my arms.

My smirk softened into a smile as I sat down and waited. It didn't take long for him to come out. I watched him as he fiddled with his shirt next to me. He looked really cute when he was nervous.

"Kao," I made him jump. "You can have your own room if you aren't ready."

He gripped my hand quickly and shook his head. I chuckled and flicked his forehead. He pouted at me. My eyes flicked to his lips and I wanted to feel them.

Over the years I'd only ever kissed his forehead. I wanted to do more but I didn't, just in case he did do what I originally asked him to do all those years ago ...

If you think it's exhausting then forget me. No need to text, no need to look for me. Forget you ever liked someone like me and move on

... I thought it would be better to not know. However, here he was, he stuck to his word, and he came to be with me. Now he was here in my room and I wanted to feel him.

I leaned towards him and his eyes widened before he leaned forward. My lips pressed against his very lightly but it sparked something inside. I pressed harder against him and gripped his head.

Our mouths moved against each other gently at first until his tongue swept across mine. I growled into his mouth and pushed him back. His arms wrapped around my waist.

Suddenly, we both froze. A loud knock boomed through the silence before we heard the door open. We both shot up just as my little brother came into the room. His face lit up as he saw Kao.

Pham ran to him and Kao opened his arms. I smiled at the pair. It was clear my brother loved Kao and the feeling was mutual.

Pham ended up pulling us out for dinner. He finally got to meet Father and my Mother even showed up. It was nice to have everyone I cared for under the same roof.


Later that night, I sat in bed waiting once again for Kao to come out of the bathroom. He'd instantly rushed off once we entered the bedroom. I laughed wondering where the confidant bunny went that stopped at nothing to pursue me.

"P'Phu?" he was standing by the bed.

I pulled the sheet over and smiled. Slowly, he climbed in and pulled the sheets right up to his chin. I chuckled and lightly pushed his head.

"P'Phu!" he called out rubbing his head.

I pulled the covers away and he called out again. Then he fell silent as I leaned over him. His wide eyes stared up at me.

"You're finally here," I whispered, stroking his cheek.

His head came up to hold my wrist as he leaned into my hand.

"I'm here P'Phu.'

Eyeing his lips, I leaned down and kissed him. He gasped against me and I pressed harder. Kao moaned underneath me and I could feel my body start to stir. With a growl, I pulled back and looked down at him.

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