Unforgotten Night - Khom and Baiboon Part 1

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Baiboon POV


I was startled at the sound of my name and smiled sheepishly at P'Kim.

"Are you ok? You looked like you were troubled," he asked.

With a sigh, I looked down. I sat with my school books spread out on the iron table and bench set in the garden of P'Kims and P'Kamol's home. It was one of my favourite places to study, primarily because P'Khom would often walk by.

I'd been hopelessly in love with him ever since we met. Not only was he handsome but he was sweet, kind and very strong too. He's everything I could want but he still sees me as a little kid.


I jumped again, and my cheeks flamed.

"Sorry P'Kim ... yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You seemed like you've got a lot on your mind. Is school ok? It's not too hard is it?" he asked.

School, hard? School was the easiest thing in my life. I was studying home economics and I was in my final year. I'd wanted to be able to help my aunt with her cooking duties. Mainly, I wanted to be able to cook more food for P'Khom.

The thing I found hard was trying to attract P'Khom's attention or at least make him see me as a man and not a boy.

"P'Kim, can I ask you a question?" I asked closing my books.

P'Kim smiled and instantly nodded.

"What did you do to attract P'Kamol?"

P'Kim instantly coughed and stuttered, I don't think he expected me to ask about that. I poured him a drink from the jug my aunt left me.

He took a big drink, thanking me after. Once he'd finished he turned to me, his cheeks flushed.

"Why are you asking me that?"

Now it was my turn to blush once again. I squirmed in my seat.

"Is it because of P'Khom?" he asked.

I could feel a goofy smile spread on my face as I nodded.

"Baiboon, I think what I did to attract P'Kamol won't be helpful because P'Khom is a different type of man. If you want to attract him then you need to find a way to show him that you're ready for him."

"How do I do that?" I sighed.

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure you'll figure it out," he told me as he stood and patted my shoulder.

Just as he left, my phone rang, it was one of my college friends. He wanted me to come out for a drink. Usually, I refused, preferring to stay home, but he kept asking.

I was about to refuse again when P'Khom walked up and an idea boomed.

"Yeah, I can come this time, where is it?" I asked.

P'Khom stopped and turned to me.

"Okay, sure. I'll be there," I confirmed before hanging up.

"Are you going somewhere?" he asked.

"Yeah, my friends are meeting at a bar near school. I'm gonna meet up with them," I explained as I started packing my things away.

My plan was to show him I could be an adult and drink and have fun. If I do that he'll definitely see me as a man.


Later that night, at the bar, my friends were encouraging me to drink and I wasn't going to say no.

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