TharnType - Champ and No Part 1

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I know these two were never done as a couple, but if the 'I'll eat you' part of the last episode got your wheels turning like it did mine then this is for you.

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I am sitting at a table near the stage in P'Jeed's bar 'AINU', watching one of my good friends play. He is one of the best drummers I have ever seen, but to be honest I prefer watching his boyfriend and my best friend Type instead. Don't misunderstand me, I don't have feelings for him or anything like that. I have known Type for years ever since school. I like watching his reaction when he watches Tharn.

For as long as I have known him, he has hated anyone that was gay, I don't know why though. Ever since Tar showed us that clip I have had a feeling it's something similar. So, I find it amusing to watch Type react to Tharn. He's not as shy as he was before, even openly admitted to his family that he was in a relationship with a man. Type stares at Tharn as he plays, there's no point trying to get his attention when Tharn is on stage.

There is one other person at our table, Champ the human dustbin. He is currently devouring a plate of chicken wings. I shake my head at him, he looks at me and smiles.

"Damn! Champ, leave some for us," I call out annoyed.

"Get some then," he calls back before sticking another in his mouth. He will eat everything in sight, he loves food more than anything else. Even though he likes food, he isn't overweight. He is quite fit, muscular and toned, but not as fit as Tharn but still, I can understand why girls go crazy over him.

As soon as Tharn finished his set he joined us. He sat very close to Type, practically on his lap. In the past Type would have shied away or got violent, but now he even leans in with a smile. Champ and I share a knowing look. Whenever those two are together, everyone else is pretty much invisible.

I can even remember the first night that Type brought me here. I got drunk and slept at their flat, they didn't seem to care that I was there and had sex. I couldn't sleep until they finished, which for your information was longer than I expected. They must have thought I was out for the count.

Tharn and Type didn't drink as much as me and Champ. It was way past the time for lock-up at our dorms by the time we left, and Type said he didn't have room for both of us to stay. So, I had no choice but to go home and take Champ with me. Ma was going to kill me.

As predicted Ma wasn't happy with her drunk son stumbling home at midnight, with a friend. Thankfully she let him stay. We stumbled up to my room and both of us collapsed on to my king size bed. I managed to get up and moved further up the bed near the pillows.

"Champ!" I patted the space next to me. "Champ!" I called again. He slowly crawled up to join me. He smiles at me as he plops himself down. I like him as a friend but I'm not that way inclined, however, my drunk fuelled brain finds his smile sexy as hell.

"Hey Champ," I start, he sluggishly opens his eyes at me. "Why haven't you got a girlfriend?" I asked curiously. Though he isn't as handsome as Tharn or even Type, he still is very good looking. Many girls think he is handsome and wants to be his girlfriend. Champ starts laughing.

"I have no idea," he laughs. I laughed too.

"How long since you had a girl?" I asked.

"Too long, you know it's been so long since I've gotten laid. What about you?" he asks. I laugh even louder.

"Are you kidding me, a guy like you can't get a girl. You seriously think I could," I'm not ugly, I know that, but compared to my friends I am like the ugly duckling surrounded by swans. Champ rolls onto his side and grabs my face.

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