Offices And Their Duties

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The president is the leader of the chapter. He is the clubs figurehead and is usually the spokesman when dealing with other MC. The president is the chairman at club meetings and represents the chapter at national meetings.


The vice president is second in charge and fills in when the president is away. The vice president is often the heir apparent to the clubs leadership although this isn’t always the case. It’s his job to make sure that matters passed at club meetings are carried out satisfactorily.


The secretary is responsible for the clubs paperwork. He keeps minutes of meetings and records dates of significant events, such as anniversary dates (when prospects gain their patch). He corresponds with other gangs and it’s his job to keep members informed of upcoming events. The secretary is usually responsible for keeping records of club assets although the treasurer will do this in some gangs.


The treasurer is the chapters’ money-man and he’s in charge of collecting club fees, run funds etc and paying the bills. The treasurer is responsible for collecting any debts owed to the gang and usually gets the job of checking out business opportunities prior to any decisions being made. The treasurer is usually the person who handles the proceeds of a gangs illegal activity.


The sergeant at arms is basically the gangs “policeman” although most would not like to be referred to in this way! He enforces club procedures and maintains order at club meetings. The sergeant is in charge of security at gang events and he is responsible for “back ups” (attacks on rivals). The sergeant looks after the gangs’ firearms and other weapons.

The sergeant at arms is sometimes known as the “master of arms”, (although “sergeant at arms” has become much more common). In some gangs, the sergeant wears a military style sergeant’s badge.


Most motorcycle gangs have a position known as Road Captain. He is in charge of logistics during a club run. He plans the route and organists refueling stops etc. The Road Captain rides at the front and leads the pack with the president. The position of Road Captain is usually a “non executive” position.


This role will consist of working under a Captain (if they are assigned to a separate crew in a specific area, otherwise just the President of the single chapter in its entirety). Their main role is simply to defend the boss they're working under, much like a bodyguard, and for fill any specific tasks the boss may request, generally violent tasks. The Enforcer is generally seen as the 'Elite' member within any crew, picked specifically by a captain to serve a greater duty, there can only be 2 Enforcers within each crew. The Enforcer may be sent out to do any number of tasks, such as hits, kidnappings, arson towards a specific business, home or other building/turf, and many more tasks. They won't be made to go alone, Enforcers have their choice of any number of assistants (keeping within the gang rules), these can be either prospects or made members working under the same boss as the Enforcer.
The Enforcer will lead either himself alone or himself and his assistants through the task, dictating the roles of each person, then strategizing the task's plan. With this role, the Enforcer will be expected to properly execute every task given to him, this is a great responsibility; they will be held responsible for any 'fuck-ups' that may occur within a task, by which they will be punished for with either a fine, or a beating of some sort. If the Enforcer fails to complete 3 tasks in a row, they will lose their position as the Enforcer and will be demoted back to a patched member. The Enforcer will require the Captain to provide all items required for a task, the Enforcer is not responsible for obtaining any of the required items. The Enforcer will earn through working under the Captain and performing tasks properly, based on the Captain's payment scheme. This rank will be required to attend Church, they will be authorized to cast a vote also.


The WARLORD is basically the President’s personal bodyguard/Enforcer.


Is the Vice Presidents personal bodyguard/Enforcer


The Tail Gunners assists the Road Captain on all runs. He rides at the very rear of the motorcycle formation and enforces all safety rules of the ride. If any member in the ride should have mechanical difficulties or crashes for any reason, the Tail Gunner assist them  in making repairs to the bike or if need be, calls a tow truck to pick it up. The Tail Gunner is second in command to the Road Captain and assumes his responsibilities on a run if he is not available. A Tail Gunner provides eyes in the rear of the formation and usually carries a first aid kit in case it is needed on a run. He is responsible for carrying a tool kit in order to perform any mechanical repairs on motorcycles while on the road. He rides in an area so that motorists can see the formation of the entire club and is observant of rider’s conduct or road hazards that need reporting to the Road Captain when it is safe to do so. When the group is on a run and is getting ready to make a lane change, the Tail Gunner changes lanes first, then the Road Captain in the front, followed by the group. This keeps the group in its formation and allows them all to change lanes safely and together so motorists do not split the group up.

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