The Calm Before The Storm

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     It's been a week since Alejandro found out Cherry was here. He has been to just about every border state trying to get help. No matter how many MCs or organizations he approached, they all told him no. They don't want or need to have problems with the González cartel. They got a group of men, who think they are militia. There are ten of them and they are meth addicts. They don't scare us at all. Diego was able to get us pictures of all of them and Tech done found all the information on them. The one thing that concerns us, is we heard the FBI has been investigating them. From what Tech has been able to find, they are investigating them but not actively watching them. As long as the FBI doesn't follow them here and see the fight happen, we know our clean-up guy won't leave a trace. A few years ago, Frank was a crime scene tech, who got in deep with a bookie. They took his wife and daughter. We saved them and settled his debt. Now he does our clean-ups and disposes of bodies. They are never seen again or found. He comes every so often and cleans our cells.

    According to Diego, Alejandro and his group will be leaving from Houston, Texas tomorrow and heading here. One of The Texas Patriots, the militia group Alejandro recruited, was bragging around town about the money they were was going to make. The guy was high and drinking. He practically told all of Alejandro's plan to anyone who would listen. From what Diego has seen of them and Tech dug up, these guys are just assholes who make, use, and sell meth, they also buy guns and rob military shipments and sell some guns. The only shooting they have been even accused of being in is a few months ago, ten women, kids, and a coyote was killed crossing the border illegally. Then a member bragged about it at a local bar when the news reported it. Dumbasses. We have two days to be ready for their attack, according to what was overheard. We will still be ready for anything until then.

    "Uncle Khaos. Uncle Khaos. Uncle Khaos, you got ta help us hide." Layke runs in with her siblings yelling at me, interrupting my inner dialog. I smile and ask, "Why do I got ta help you three hide?" Layke and Laila try to look innocent, and Lucas looks down guiltily. "Grams is after us for stealing cookies and ruining our dinner," Lucas mumbles. "But there is no way she knows it was us. She wasn't there. In o cent, until proven guiltily, remember?" Laila asks her brother. I love the way she says innocent like it is three words. Lucas nods solemnly at her question. You can tell their mom is a lawyer. "Where are you three? I am going to tell your mom and dad." we hear Grams say coming our way. I can tell she is teasing but they look at me unsure. "Okay. You three hurry in there. I will tell her I haven't seen you and it was me who took the cookies." I tell them pointing at the closet where we keep the board games. "Reel we, you will take the blame?" Laila asks sweetly. "Yes, really. Now go hide." I reply. The door to the closet closes right before Grams walks in. The look she gives me lets me know she heard us. I know she will play along and let me be a hero for a bit. "Have you seen three cookie monsters?" she asks trying to sound angry. "No. Just me in here. Are you calling me big enough to be three people?" I ask smiling at Grams. "What do you mean?" she asks. "I came and took some cookies. Then you come looking for three cookie monsters." I reply acting offended and silent laughing with Grams. "It was you, who stole some of my cookies? I thought it was Ink's little angels. Thought they were like their dad. Guess I will have to make sure they get two cookies for dessert if they eat all of their dinners." she says and smiles. She loves them just as much of the rest of us. They call Dad gramps and we all find it funny since he tries to look offended. They call Mom MeMa. When Dad asked why they responded at the same time, "She is too young and pretty to be a grandma." The whole club about died laughing at that one. "Okay Grams, if I see them, I will tell them what you said. I will see you at dinner." I say as Grams leaves. I open the door, letting them out. "Did you guys hear what Grams said?" I ask. "Yes, and we are not all guys. Me and Laila are ladies. Mommy says so." Layke replies and sticks her lip out in a pout. "Yes, you and Laila are ladies. Sorry for calling you guys. Just make sure all three of you eat all of your dinner tonight." I respond. "Thanks, Uncle Khaos," they say together and hug me. "This is where you three are hiding. I missed my princesses and prince today while I worked." Ink says as he walks in. "Daddy! We missed you too," they say running up and hugging him. I tell them all bye as they walk out. They all wave bye.

     Ink has been trying to make up for lost time with them and he is an awesome dad. He doesn't spoil them but lets them know he loves them. He reads them bedtime stories, plays with them, and helps them learn to read and write. He gives them time, which is what they need. I can't wait to have one of my own with Cherry. I want a little girl just as beautiful as her momma. Thinking of Cherry makes me miss her even more. Time to go check on her, I think I have given her enough time with the girls. They are doing a salon day in the clubhouse. Dad was smart enough to give the women a spa/salon room when we moved to the new clubhouse.

     When I get to the spa room, I knock. I hear "Come in" and giggles on the other side of the door. I open the door, finding the girls not only in different stages of getting their nails or hair done but various stages of drunk. Some are tipsy and a few are three sheets to the wind. They are having fun and that's all that matters. Cherry is closer to three sheets to the wind side of drunk, but her hair is back to her natural color. "I love your hair, baby girl." I greet her giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, babe. I got a Brazilian wax for you too," she whisper yells and the girls laugh. "That's great, baby girl. I can't wait to see." I tell her slightly laughing too. I haven't seen Cherry this drunk in years. I know she is going to regret it tomorrow, but I will let her have fun with the girls for now. "I just wanted to check on you ladies. I am guessing none of you are coming to dinner. I see the pizzas. Enjoy your girl's day. I will check on you again, later." I state and kiss her cheek again. "No stay a little longer, babe," Cherry says grabbing my arm. I sit down by her, "I will for a bit longer. I have to go talk to Dad soon, though." I reply. Cherry just snuggles to me as a lady gives her a pedicure. When one of the ladies hired to come here today calls Cherry for her massage, I slip out.

     I find Dad in his office with Popeye, Dagda, and Lugh, and on the phone with Tank. "Popeye told me you had the plan finalized. He said you have enough to cover it all but Medic and his ol' lady left last night and should be there in case things go sideways. They want to help too. I have been there to the clubhouse, so I want to hear the plan and can tell you I'd I see any holes in it." Tank says. "We will welcome the help, though hopefully nothing goes sideways. We are planning to have thirty-five guys out there, compared to his fourteen. The plan is to have Popeye up on that clear hill, coming down the road to our club. He will be ready to sniper if needed. That hill is right at the bend about a half of a mile from the clubhouse, that's where we plan for it all to go down. Since our closest neighbor is over five miles away, we are good. We have vans hidden to block them in, in that bend. We will have the firepower to keep them there too. If things go as planned the local sheriff will get the militia guys on weapons charges and we will get Alejandro and his crew without much of a fight. We are also ready to take them all out if need be. If any try to run, Popeye will shoot to kill, unless it is Alejandro. González cartel wants a few hits in on him before he meets his end. Diego González and a few more men will be coming in behind to help fifteen minutes after Alejandro unless they hear a gunfight, and they will come sooner." Mayhem replies. "Trust me, we have been over and over everything. Walked where we plan to have it all happen and have his clean up guy on the ready." Dagda throws in. "Does sound like you have everything handled. I am just glad we were able to help and that the Freewheelers are there to help too. Pablo hating his brother so much, worked in your favor too. Let me know if you need a   anything. Same to you too, Dagda." Tank says. "Thank we will." Dagda and Dad reply at the same time.

      After he hangs up, "What's up, Khaos?" Dad asks. "Just checking to see if you heard any more from Diego. Also, to warn you that you will probably have to carry MeMa to bed. She and Cherry both are almost three sheets to the wind." I say laughing. "Great. We can go collect them after dinner. Just hope they are all having a great time." he says laughing. "They all are. Might want to recruit others to collect the rest of them." I say laughing more as we walk to dinner. We make small talk during dinner; you can feel the air vibrating in anticipation of the upcoming fight. I don't want to think or talk about it anymore today. After I eat, I grab some aspirin and a bottle of water. I theme the to our room and put them on Cherry's nightstand. Then I go grab the love of my life. She is already passed out when I pick her up. I carry her to bed, strip her down, put her in one of my shirts, and curl around her, cuddling her to my chest. Within minutes of breathing in her sweet scent, sleep welcomes me.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now