The End Of Terror And The Beginning Of Forever

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    The prospects have enjoyed the last three days of their part in Alejandro's torture. They have been throwing ice water buckets at him every two or three hours. They haven't even complained about waking up in the middle of the night to do it. They all love and respect Cherry. Valentina has won them over in her time here. We all have spent the last three days spending time together. We have taken time to get to know each other better and make bonds between the clubs. Normally none of us rejoice in the death of anyone, but Alejandro is an exception. Tech found records on Alejandro's laptop that was in his SUV, there were over a thousand girls and women he has sold after "training" them. Training in his mind means beating, raping, and torturing them. They youngest was ten. We sent the evidence and names we found anonymously to the FBI and local authorities where every name was located. It was on the news last night, 650 of them was rescued. Tomorrow we are doing a benefit run for the survivors. All three clubs including ol' ladies are here, we are going to celebrate when he is dead.

    This morning Diego and Valentina will start the process. Right now, Cherry and Valentina are sorting through the toys Ivy used on Dean and the tools we have to decide what to use. I am pretty sure that Diego got sent to the sex shop for more things too. The girls came looking serious but laughing. "What's up, ladies?" I ask. "Diego is almost back with our new toys for Alejandro. After he shoots hit up with his interrogation mix and it kicks in, we can start." Valentina replies. "Interrogation mix?" I ask. "It is a cocktail of drugs that makes the person feel more pain and see monsters but stay coherent. Let's you inflict more pain in less time," she replies. Cherry looks resigned, she wants to kill Alejandro but she worries torturing someone personal to her will change her. She tries to hide it. I know she needs her closure. "Come here baby girl," I call out to her and pat my lap. "Are you sure you can handle this?" I whisper in her ear. She grimaces but nods. "If it gets to be too much, let me know and you can leave. Then come back and end his miserable life." I whisper to her. She gives me her first real smile of the day and nods.

    Cherry finally starts to relax and really enjoys spending time with everyone. "Ladies, time to suit up. He is ready." Diego says as he walks in. "I know you'll support any decisions I make and will pull me back from the abyss if needed. I got this or at least I have got to try. I love you." Cherry states and gets on her tippy toes to kiss me on the lips. "You're damn right, baby girl. Right or wrong, can or can't do something, I support you 100% if it is what you want. I love you too." I reply pulling her to me and kissing her deeply. I feel her relax and melt into me. The relaxing part is what I wanted. We break apart when someone clears their throat. Even I blush from the look Ivy is giving us. "Got to love her, Mom and Dad told me so when they adopted her," I mumble. Cherry and Ivy both laugh so hard they snort.

     My dad yells for me to join him in his office when we were headed downstairs. I can't say no since he is also my Prez. "I'll be fine. Even if you are up here and me down there, I know you are supporting me. Go see what he needs." Cherry says. "Mom, keep an eye on her for me," I tell her after Cherry walks off. I know what she said but I still worry. "Sit down, son. I wanted to talk to you about Cherry. I am so happy that you two worked it out and seem to be doing good. Don't fuck it up again. We love her and may have to disown you and keep her if you do." my dad says laughing. "I can feel the love, Dad," I say laughing too. "Actually I wanted to give you something for when you decide to make it permanent with her. It was your great-grandmother's ring. She gave it to my mom and I am passing it on to you." he says handing me a small box. I open I, it is a beautiful diamond and emerald engagement ring with trinity knots. It has trinity knots on each side and the emeralds are inside each knot. The diamond is a round princess cut. "It is gorgeous Dad. I don't know what to say. I know Cherry is going to love it." She wants to get married right here and have Preach do the ceremony. She wants you to walk her down the aisle. We have talked about it. I don't think I was supposed to tell you about the walking her down the aisle part. Better act surprised when she asks you." I say seeing the tears in my dad's eyes. "It will be a great honor to walk her and I will act surprised. Then probably cry again," he answers honestly. "What's wrong, son? I can tell something is bothering you," he asks. "I am worried about Cherry. I know she wants to kill Alejandro and she needs closure. I also know she has tortured before but something about doing it to Alejandro has her messed up. She has been having nightmares and throws up after them. Whatever they are about, they are making her physically sick. I worry that it will mess with her head, but I know she needs to try to do this. I can't tell her not to when she says she needs to do this." Dad goes through a whole range of emotions while I tell him. I can tell he is concerned also. "You made the right decision letting her do what she feels she must but just be there for her after and if we hurry during," he says standing up.

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