From Strange Beginnings To Great Endings

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      It's been a few weeks since the BBQ. Timberleigh and the girls have become a lot closer with me. They can never replace my girls in Colorado, but they are just as important as them. Now that they know my secrets it makes us even closer. I know Timberleigh is hiding something and wants to tell me, she will when she is ready. I have the feeling that it has to do with me, but I still trust her. If it is something to do with me, I am sure it is to protect me. She is too good of a person for it to be malicious. That is what my gut tells me, and I have learnt the hard way to trust my gut.

    It is almost closing time on a Saturday night and the girls are staying over after. I am so excited; they are a blast to be around. We drink, watch movies, share stories, and generally just have great laughs. I am looking forward to that tonight. The last few days something has felt off. I have had the feeling someone is watching me. No matter how many times I have tried to catch them or watch the videos from around my home, I haven't seen anything. I am trying not to panic about it but it is freaking me out.

     After I clock out, I head to meet the girls at my house. When I pull in Timberleigh is on the phone, which I find a little strange for three AM but maybe a secret boyfriend. I am sure she will tell me or us when she is ready. "Yeah, we made it here just fine, Clint, you worry too much. I love you, bub. See you tomorrow." Timberleigh says then hangs up. So, it was just a worried brother.

     We are drinking and watching movies, but Timberleigh seems distracted. She has been texting all night. I have a feeling she either has a secret boyfriend or maybe an annoying brother. Leaning towards the annoying brother by the look on her face. Even Tank is watching her trying to figure it out. Giving up he runs and jumps on her lap and starts kissing her face. That does it and makes her laugh. "Sorry Tank and Gabby. Clint has been annoying tonight. He had a bad break-up. I will do better for the rest of the night." she says scratching his ears. "It's okay. I am about ready for us girls and Tank to curl up for the night. How about the rest of you?" I ask. They all nod in agreement. I whistle for Tank and off to bed we all go.

     The next morning, we get up and I make breakfast. Timberleigh tells the others to spend more time with me, but she has to go. I ask if she is sure she can't stay for breakfast, but she says she is to worry about Clint. We all tell her bye and wish Clint the best of luck. Willow, Poppy, and I got to call my girls in Colorado. We had a great chat with them. Timberleigh texts Willow and tells them she is here for them. They all tell me goodbye.

     I was going to tell Ivy and them bye too, but Khaos asked to talk to me. "I know we have been texting daily, but I miss your voice and face." Khaos says as he sits down for the FaceTime. The fucker makes me blush and tries hard not to laugh. I can tell by his face. "Well, I may miss you but not your voice or face." I reply. That makes him laugh, "Yeah. I can tell by the way you blushed." I blush again and flip him off. "Asshole." I reply condescendingly. He laughs really hard at that. "Okay, maybe I miss both your voice and face just a little." I say holding up my finger and thumb with barely any space in-between. He laughs even harder. "So how are you? How are things there?" I ask when he is done. "I am good, sweetheart, just missing my best friend and her gorgeous face. Things are okay here. I hope you are being safe wherever you are. I found out about some of Alejandro's guys looking for you. They are either hiding or gone now. We have security on the girls, which I am sure they bitched about to you, but I don't want them to lure you." he says seriously. "Yeah, they did bitch and moan some, but they know it's for the best." I reply. "Be very careful with him and his men. He is dangerous, more so than I think you know. He always told me stories about his brothers who would help him find me if I ran. I just wish he still thought I was dead. I am sorry to have brought that kind of trouble to the club and your family." I say with tears in my eyes. "We will be. We are watching for him and his brothers, you know us, always watching out. This club is your family too. You also didn't bring this trouble to us, I did. It's my fault for believing Maria and letting her live here. That leads her to telling Alejandro that you are still alive. Don't blame yourself. I love you, rather I should or not, but I do, and I won't let you take that blame." he grinds out. "Thanks, Khaos. I may not want to, but I love you too. We will just share the blame. I really should get off here. I need to take care of Tank and shop for the week. We will talk again soon. I enjoy texting you, but I liked this as well." I say with tears rolling now. "Bye my sweet Cherry. Thanks for talking to me." Khaos says with his own teary eyes. "Bye" I reply. I spent the rest of the day with Tank. We played and he even went to town with me. What started as a weird day, turned into a great one.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now