The Truth Sets You Free

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       Tank and I are headed home after spending my day off in the park. It was a blast to see him running around, having fun. Some of the kids there were afraid of him at first because of his size. He is almost seven foot tall when he stands up on his back legs, so I can understand. We showed them he is a gentle giant unless I give him commands though, that calmed them down.

    My phone pings with a message from Timberleigh, "Need to talk to you ASAP. It's important. Are you home? We will be there in 20 minutes." my hands-free device reads to me. I have it respond for me, "Will be there before you. Almost home." Now I am concerned about what she needs to talk about. Maybe their big secret, I know they are keeping, will be revealed. I pull in at my house five minutes later, still have fifteen minutes before the girls arrive. I unlock my door and let Tank in. Following him in, I get him food and water. I hear my laptop beeping with a message. I go to check to see who messaged me. "Cherry, I need to talk to you as soon as you get this. On my bike but have my helmet Bluetooth and mic on. It is very important. You know that I wouldn't ask you to call otherwise. Please call me." from Khaos.

     Since Khaos sounds desperate and I have time before the girls arrive, I decide to text Timberleigh telling her to let themselves in, then call Khaos. He answers on the second ring. "Hello" I say when I hear the call connect. "Cherry, thank God you're okay. I am not sure how to start this conversation, so I am just going to rip off the bandage and tell it to you straight." he starts. "That would be the best way. Did something happen? Is someone hurt or dead? Did Alejandro get the girls?" I ask and I can hear the fear in my voice. I know it is bad news. "No one is hurt or dead. Alejandro didn't get anyone, yet. He found you or had a PI that found you for him. Timberleigh's brother, Clint, is Luge from Freewheelers. He recognized you at the bar and called Mayhem. His president and Mayhem agreed to let you live your life but watch you until we knew you were safe. Luge caught the PI, he wouldn't tell him anything at first, so Beast, Tiny, Ice, Hawk, and I are on our way there to help break him. At the last stop, dad informed the PI finally broke, he sent pictures of you, Timberleigh, Willow, and Poppy to Alejandro. So, we both know he will be on his way to get you. So instead, we are going to come to you. It's time for this threat to end once and for all. You shouldn't have to run or look over your shoulder anymore. Luge, the boys with me, me and Popeye, Firefly, and Chains from the Hell's Angels will be there soon. We can make a plan together. I am so sorry, Cherry. Please don't hate me for this." Khaos says. I can hear the sincerity and tears in his voice. "I don't like that people have been lying to me and keeping things from me, but I understand why. I don't hate you for this Khaos. Alejandro finding me is not your fault. If anything, I am proud of you since you have known where I was and didn't rush down here and pressure me to come back. It shows how much you have grown." I say turning and see the girls with tears just like mine. I want to run but know it will never end if I do. "Don't worry, I am not going to run. The girls are here now, and they wouldn't let me even if I wanted too anyways. I will be here when you all get here. We will make a plan then just like you said. Thank you for telling me, not just showing up and going all caveman on me. I am proud of the man you are becoming. The girls and I will start coming up with a plan and you guys do that too. We will go from there. We will see you guys soon." I say. "Thank you, Cherry. You have no idea how much it means to me to make you proud instead of hurting you. We will be there as soon as we can. Be safe until then. I love you. Bye, sweetheart." Khaos responses. "I love you too. Be safe getting here. Bye." I respond then hang up.

    I turn my attention back to the girls, Timberleigh opens her mouth to say something, but I stop her by holding up my hand. "I am hurt that I was lied to, and information withheld from me, but I understand why it happened. I don't hate or hold it against you ladies and more than I do the men. I thought I recognized your brother and now that I know who he is, I remember meeting him at the benefit for Covid last year. We are going to take a few minutes to hug and cry this stress out, then come up with a plan. So, bring it on in ladies." I say opening my arms. "I am sorry we had to lie and keep things from you. We didn't want you to run and put yourself in more danger. We love you, woman. You have become our fourth musketeer." Timberleigh cries as we hug. I just nod in understanding.

    Once we break from our hugging and crying session, "Let's make the guys something to eat and we will plan while we cook." I state. I figure since they are stopping whatever they have going on to help us and keep us safe, it's the least we can do for them. Timberleigh, call your brother and see how much time we have before they will be here." I deadpan. She nods and dials him, "Luge, how long until the Sons and Angels are there, and you guys head this way?" she asks. "Oh, so your whole crew will be here later, too? You guys should be able to be here in a couple of hours and the rest in about five hours." she clarifies with what her told her. "Tell them to bring tents. We will squeeze as many inside as we can and the rest camp in the back. No matter the plan we will be here until tomorrow. Tell him we are cooking and will have drinks." I tell her. She relays the message. "Yeah, bring the prisoner PI, too or take care of him first, whichever way you guys decide. See you in a couple of hours, bro. Bye." Timberleigh replies and hangs up. "Do you have a place to keep a prisoner? Luge is worried about taking care of a prisoner here. Too much of a chance of getting caught. No allies near here, hell no actual clubs near here, could get caught and go to prison. They may change it but probably not." she replies. We can keep him in the cellar in the basement. Text your brother and tell him that. I don't want anyone to take a chance or getting caught. I am going to order a delivery of more groceries. How many people are we feeding dinner and breakfast? I know I said we would plan our next move, but I think the only option we have is to let the guys take us to Colorado. We will have to lead Alejandro there. If we try to fight them here, someone could go to prison or get killed." I deadpan. The girls all look at each other and nod in agreement after about thirty seconds. "Yeah, you're probably right. We will see what the guys came up with too." Poppy replies. "About forty people, well forty- one with the prisoner. I texted Luge, he agreed but wants the other's input." Timberleigh replies. "Delivery will be here in 45 minutes. I order lots more food for tonight and in the morning. I am going to take a shower and start packing stuff for Tank and I. What are you girls going to do?" I ask. "We'll go get our stuff after the guys come and we all agree on the best plan." Willow replies and the other two nod.

    I am both sadden and excited about the possibility of going home. Did I think home? Do I still consider Colorado with the Sons of Silence home? I am not 100% sure but I know a part of me still does. Just not sure all of me agrees. I am worried about seeing Khaos again. I am worried about returning home. Damn it. Home. There is that word again. I really need to figure out my feelings and thoughts about all of this.

    I don't know how long I was in the shower arguing and sorting out my feelings but soon Timberleigh startled me out of it. "Food delivery is here. We need to start cooking soon." she yells. "Be right out" I yell back. I quickly get out and get dressed. I also quickly start to throw stuff into bags. Figure I can finish packing later. I walk into the kitchen, "Okay ladies, let's cook and plan." I state when I walk in. We make plans as we cook steaks, BBQ chicken, brats, hamburgers, baked potatoes, baked beans, and much more. We make enough food to feed a small army, which is good since that is what we will be feeding. Luckily, we have it all ready before we hear motorcycle almost two hours to the dot from when Timberleigh talked to Luge.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now